By the first weekend of my freshman year in college had heard enough stories and seen enough movies to to build a pretty good stereotypical view of what college life would be like. Little did I know it would all be pretty close to true. It was the first saturday of the school year so everyone had already moved in but classes had yet to begin so the only obvious course of action was to party like rock stars. I ended up living in the on campus apartments somehow so there was alot of freedom as far as visitation and well…anything else. So, I went next door and asked my nieghbor to get me a of Sky Vodka to crissin the school year and he happily agreed. We all started drinking at about nine or so and i was double shooting that like there was no tomorrow. A few hours later all the alcohol had dried up and i was sh faced. So i licked out was left of the Sky and went outside to smoke a cigarette in hopes of keeping the vodka where it belonged. It was then that the girl who happened to live right above my room came stumbling down to see what i was doing. Little did i know she had more in mind than that. We sat and she talking to me and I was slurring incohherent babble back at her when all of the sudden she said”Hey, you wanna go into your room?” Carefuly i weighed my options and remember mumbling somehting along the lines of “Yeah, but i don’t know if i can make it.” So, her determined 5’2″ self dragged my 6’1″ body into my bed. I remember laying down on the bed and the cieling start to rotate couter clockwise as if detached from the walls. Then the feeling of my belt coming off and my pants coming undone. What the hell? Oh yeah, the girl from upstairs. I looked down to see her stradling me and touching herself in intimate places saying”you wanna fuck, please can we, please it’ll feel so good.” Of all the drunkin nights i have forgotten things i will forever remember this girl begging me for sex. Then i said “no i don’t know you and i don’t think i’m ready i’ve never done it before.” she answered with”i know but it’ll feel so good.” and like all red blooded american males would have said, and i quote ” OK” so some how i got ontop of her and started at my business, i will never forget the first time i felt the inside of a warm moist vagina pressing against my drunkin cock. It felt so good that i just went and pushed as hard as i could over and over trying to get deeper and deeper until she screamed. And about fifteen thrusts later it was all over. All in all about a minute or two. I then proceeded to sit up lean over my bed and expel all the alcohol that i so recently consumed. Then i layed down. But it’s not over yet. She asked me if i was ok and i just passed out to her saying i’ll be right back. The next day we talked and then fucked like bunnies for a year with lots of problems in between. I came to find out a couple weeks later that she went over to her boyfriends house after me that night and had sex with him and then broke up with him and came back to me. What a slut huh? but, i stayed with her, call it stupidity, say she was my first and i couldn’t let go, or just call me horny. Whatever, but after that whenever we had down time and i hooked up with a chick she never said a thing.