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Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: His Car
Langauge: English?
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

So, I met this guy. His name was Scott. He wasn’t the smoothest or the most attractive, but he tried to be sweet, and never said anything negative, no matter what you did wrong, which actually leads into the story (awkward). He asked me out once and I said no, but after hanging out with him more, I fell deeply in love with him and when he did again, I said yes. On one of our first dates, he took me in his car to this forest out in BumbleF***k, whereverthefuckwewere. I knew what he wanted, OBVIOUSLY, but I was teasing him hard to try to avoid it because of my own self-consciousness. Eventually, he finally convinced me, and he started to get out of the car and walked around to the trunk, grabbing a blanket. When I saw the blanket, I told him flat-out that I was “NOT having sex with [him] on a fucking blanket in the middle of the fucking forest” and we decided on the backseat. As he undressed me and himself, me straddling him, he started to get… excited… and I took his pants off. This is the moment where I probably ruined his self esteem forever because between my happiness and his tighty-whitey underwear, I burst out laughing and collapsed on his chest. I felt him get less excited and I continued to laugh for a while, I couldn’t help it. Eventually he was completely soft and I looked up at his face, he was redder than my pale assed-self is in the middle of August during a sunscreen shortage. When I got control of myself, I asked why he was so red. He said it was because he was suppressing laughter, but then I dug into him a little more and realized what he probably thought I was laughing at… At this thought I laughed even more and tried to reassure him, but he just kept getting more embarrassed. I felt terrible, so I realized I had to give him what he came for before I made him hate me (yikes!). As I pulled down his underwear, I realized that I was right to laugh if I had known it was that small, but, at that moment, I didn’t care, because I loved him, so fuck it… or just me. 🙂 Yup.

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