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SleD RiDe

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: in the woods
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Okay first, my name is Amy. And when i was 15, i got a boyfriend named Charlie.. not the cutest guy.. but a lot of girls wanted to go out with him i guess cause he was a good football player… well anyway. We were going out for about 4 months. I think he was getting upset.. because i hadn’t givin him any.. and he started talkin to other girls on the phone and stuff, i got kinda mad about that. so i decided that i was going to make it so he’d never want to talk to another girl again. one night we went sleding. it was mid-december and there was a lot of snow. So we decided to go to Bell’s Hill< its a hill in my town very high back in the woods. Well when we got there.. we played in the snow for a little while, sleding and such.. and then we started kissing. so we layed on the sled… And i grabbed his penis…which was a shock for him.
well then he un-zipped my pants. and in a few minutes he was fingering me… and then about 10 minutes later.. he took off my pants… i was kinda scared.
well soon enuff, it was inside me… he was pounding it hard.. i know he wasn’t a virgin.. but i was.. i told him to slow down so he did… it felt really good. i was really wet. (my viberater never did that for me)
well soon after that… we went home..the next day he broke up with me

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