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slide outside

Age when it happend: 12
Where it happened: pool
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was about 12 and my friend and I were swimming in his pool when he dared me to go down the slide naked. It was not a big deal because nobody was around and after a while, both of us were doing it. We did not hear his two sisters come home and we couldn’t see them either because of the privacy screen around the porch. Obviously, they saw us and called every girl in the neighborhood. Every girl we knew came over and watched our naked pink wienners bounce around in the sun all afternoon. When they got bored, they waited until we were at the deep end of the pool and all six of them burst out the door hootin and hollerin and grabbed our suits. They threw them on the roof of the house so they could look at us up close. At least there was a tree by the house we used to use to get on the roof anyway I just never thought it would come in handy to get my swimsuit back! It still turns me on today!

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