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smalltown girl

Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: college
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I started college and was away from home for the first time. Now I am at a huge university and am not used to all of the big city confusion. I also have the roommate from hell whose main purpose in life is to see how many guys she can f**k. I have been studying with a guy who is in both my calc math and chemistry classes. He has a single dormroom and doesn’t have to suffer with a roommate. After studying with him thursday nite for a test on Friday I went to my dormroom. My roomate was screwing some guy on my bed(I guess she didn’t want to mess up her sheets). I left and went down to the lobby and was crying on the bench. My study friend Mike was getting a candybar from the machine and saw me. He came over and asked me what was wrong and I told him. Mike invited me to stay with him. He said he had a “bed in a bag” and sleeping bag just incase of someone staying with him. I agreed because I seemed to have no other place to stay. Mike said he would be a perfect gentleman and he was. He lent me a set of sweatshirt and pants and I changed in his bathroom. For the firsttime since arriving at college three weeks earlier I got a good nites sleep and got real good grades on my exams on Friday. Mike and I spent the weekend together having fun as friends. He even gave me a key to his room incase my roommate was screwing in my bed. The following Wed. after being at the library my roommate was at it again so I knocked on Mikes door and he answered it with a towel wrapped around him cause he was going to take a shower. He joked and asked me if I wanted to shower with him and I said no and started to get my bed inflated. The battery died when the bed was a third inflated. I tried to use the bed that nite but i just sank to the floor. Mike offered to changed beds with him and that didn’t work also so inorder to get any sleep me shared the same single dorm bed. Mike promised again to be a perfect gentleman and he was . we slept spooned together. it felt good for him to have has arm over me. The next mornong he woke me by kissing my neck. He got up and used the bathroom he also brushed his teeth. I was next to use the bathroom and told me that a toothbrush was there if I wanted. I brushed my teeth and went bach into his room. Mike was bask in bed and said his first class was at 10am, same as me , so I joined him in bed. We joked around for a while and mike said that I was the first girl he had ever slept with. I asked him how it was and and Mike said that I was the first girl he had ever kissed.(my neck) So I turned to him and kissed him, lightly at first and we just kept going. I guess I was turned on because I was the one to remove my clothes first then I removed his. Mike asked if I was sure I wanted to do this and I said I was. I guided him to the opening and told him to be gentle. He was and he entered me with almost to pain. As he the moving in and out of me all could think of was WOW IAM REALLY A WOMAN. Mike came inside me and we just held each other for a long time. When I got up his cum fell out on the floor. The reality of the fact that we just had unprotedted sex sank in and we agreed to meet at the campus health clinic after our 2 pm class to get the morning after pill. I went on birth control pill and Mike and I make love about six times a week(or more.)

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