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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: my bed
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

The first time I did it was with my girlfriend of three
weeks. We lived far apart and she really missed me so she
came to my house to see me. I thought she was a virgin and
she went to a holy college. She didnt plan to do it either. I
conviced her to stay the night (I was going to sleep on the
couch). We started making out on my bed, then I pulled her
pants off, then her bra, then her panties. She wasnt
complaining so I fingered her. I asked to have sex and she
accepted. I told her to take the top because I didnt know
what I was doing. I was so scared I didnt feel it at first.
Then I got on top and really gave it to her. Im proud of
myself because I lasted a long time. When I got finished
I just layed on top of her. Also I covered her stomach and
breasts in so much come I was hard for her to get it off
and she got sooooooooooo mad. Even though I pulled out I
thought I got her pregnant and was scared to talk to her
for weeks. On a good note I walked with a spring in my
step the next day.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience