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sneak out sex

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: my ex girlfriends house
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

OK at the time i was 15 and my ex girlfriend was 14. I broke up with her right after she gave me a blowjob for the first time. She still wanted me so we became friends with benefits also called fuck buddies. My parents had been gone all day and i was really horny. I hadn’t hooked up with a girl in about 4 months. Anyways i called my ex about 20 times throughout the day but i kept on getting the message machine. My parents came home around 4 and so did my ex. I called her again and she answered. She asked what was going on and i told her i was really horny and was wondering if she wanted to hang out. She said yes because it had been about 4 months since she sucked my cock and she was hungry. Anyways i told my parents i was going to skateboard around and then skated over to her house. She walked me into her room wearing a mini skirt and a tank top. She immediately jumped on top of me and we started to make out. Then slowly she reached into my pants to find that i was freeballing it and started to stroke my cock. I brought up the idea of sex and before i knew it she ripped off her thong and jumped ontop of my cock. Her tight asian pussy was pressing into my big thick cock. She then rode me like crazy. She gripped my back firmly as my penis went deeper and deeper into her young fresh cunt. Then we flipped over and i threw her legs over my shoulders and fucked her until she was sore. I cummed in her and pulled out with joy. It felt so good to finalyy loosen up that tight virgin pussy. We still hang out and she loves to eat my cock. Thats what real friends are for.

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