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So Cliche It’s Disgusting

Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: Friends Party
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 2
Category: Straight

I was young, or way to old… depending on which way you look at it, to have sex with him. Lets call him Steve. I was a virgin and had just finished my first year of college. Steve and I had gone to high school together and he was sort of a “player.” I hate to call him that tho because he wasn’t a great catch or anything, he just knew how to talk to girls to get their pants off. But they were all too smart to fall for him the way I did. I was relatively un-attractive in high school. Or at least i felt unattractive. Which is weird because today I think I am beautiful, and I doubt that i looked that different four years ago. But steve paid attention to me. Lots of it. Just not when we were in public. We would IM each other for hours on end virtually every night for roughly two years. He made me feel sexy. But I never slept with him. He wanted to, and he tried to get me to give it up to him every chance he could. He would say things like “you should just have sex with me because I care about you. You will lose your virginity at some party and then you will wish that you gave it to me.” Eventually that sort of reasoning started to make sense to me. We kept in touch through my entire freshman year at college, and I was still a virgin. He had a serious girlfriend but still told me how much he wanted to fuck me.
Freshman year ended and we both were back in our home town. My best friend threw a party and i ran into him there. I decided to go ahead and have sex with him. He promised to make it special and that I would enjoy it, and that it would be fun. I believed him. He took me upstairs into my best friends bedroom layed me down onto the bed and took off my clothes. He took off his too. He told me that he didn’t like to eat pussy because he didn’t know what he was doing. THat should have told me something right there. I will never “date” a guy again that does not like eating pussy. No foreplay, no kissing, I wasn’t even wet. He put his dick in me. It didn’t hurt. Roughly five seconds into it, a couple of our drunk friends knocked on the door. He jumped up grabbed his clothes and hid in the closet. I quickly dressed and let our friends in. Five minutes later they left the room and no one was the wiser. Steve left the room and did not call, text, email, or return any of my messages again. Two weeks later a friend of mine told me that Steve had told him about what had happened, and said “If anyone would have caught me in there with her, I would have killed myself.” He was an ass and I was a fool.

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