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some girl…

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: my room...
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

well, this isn’t some great story where i’d jsut met the hottest guy of my life and it hurt a little bit but otherwise had like 5 orgasms. HA! i can’t belive any of those stories…

anyways, was a really cute guy i’d been dating for maybe 3 weeks, not too long.. but we’d gotten pretty close really fast. so one day we decided to have sex… hey, why not. both of us were 17. so one day when he was at my house, we were fooling around.. he went down on me.. i went down on him.. and at that point we were both really worked up. So he gets up for a second to get the condom.. and he put it on, well.. we both did, it was our first time applying one to anything.. heh. but anyways, i decided to be on top.. which turned out to be a terrible idea. I started to sit down on it, and almost immediately it hurt, but i kept going. so after about a minute of being on top.. i had to change posistions. the pain was terrible, but of course we kept going..

so once he was on top it hurt like all hell, but not quite as bad as before. I couldn’t do much, so i just laid there and waited for him to finish. He lasted about 1/2 hour… which really sucked.

we ended up breaking up soon after that (on another matter), i can’t say i regret it though, we’d both wanted to lose it.. and i don’t consider it a huge deal. =)

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