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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: her house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Okay I was over at my next door neighbors house and their neice was staying there for the summer. I really didn’t know her well and so I asked her to stay the night with me. Well that night we talked about all kinds of stuff. Her boyfriend, friends, and family. She asked me if I ever slept with anyone and I said no. She said that we could sleep together and I said no. Well, the next week I started to get feelings for her and I asked her Aunt if I could spend the night with her. She agreed and said since I was 3 months older, she was leaving to pick up the rest of Somers family, they live in another state, and that I was to watch the house. Somer asked me if I wanted to watch porno and I said yeah. We were watching it, and I was getting wet. I walked over to the couch she was setting on and started to rub her beautiful pussy. She pulled her panties off and I started to lick her pussy. She took off all of her clothes and I took off all mine. She said that she wanted to lick my pussy and I said Hell ya! We then started to grind our pussys together. Oh it felt sweet. She and I had a huge orgasm and then we to bed and did it again. The next week we had her cousin and us together and she loved it. She used to lick her cousins pussy a lot. Her cousin said she was made to lick somers pussy and that if she didn’t she would get into trouble. Today me and her cousin fuck each other now.

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