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Something Different

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: home
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 8
Category: Straight

Ok, so me and my best friend do everything together. We chase girls, eat, play sports, spend the night at each others houses, you name it, me and him have propbably done it together. Well, on this typical weekend, we got back from another friends house. We decided to stay at my place for the night. Our night consisted of eating ungodly amounts of food, watching movies, and calling up some girls to see if they “wanted to spend time together”. Well no girls could come, and I was horney as hell. At about midnight, my friend and I decided to have our usual wrestling matches in my livingroom.(Mom and Dad were asleep of course) We are both very athletic and always try to see who is stronger than the other. So, as me and him are wrestling for about 5-7 minutes, I realize that I am getting a boner.I am getting an erection for my best friend! I couldn’t believe it. I’ve always considered myself straight and still do but I just couldn’t believe it. I ended the wrestling match right then and there and said I was tired. I laid myself on my couch, when all of a sudden, my friend jumps on me. He is laughing this whole time. He then calming lies right next to me and decides to have a conversation with me. During this 30min conversation, I can’t help but feel like he is flirting with me. And even weirdier, we were holding and rubbing forarms the whole time. (I hadn’t realized this until half way through the conversation). To make a long story short, he feel asleep. Me, and my fully erected cock, still very much awake. I then begin asking myself, “wonder what his cock feels like?” or “Wonder how a girl feels when she is giving me head?” I couldn’t help it, but some kind of instinct took over. I began slowly stroking my friends hard body. Shoulders, abs, arms and legs. I then carefully put my hand on his cock. Not only was it hard but wide! Me and him always talked about our cocks and he said that he was wide. I always laughed. I began rubbing it through his shorts. I then wanted to see how it felt, so I slowy slipped my hand inside and felt this warm, soft cock. I then slowly removed the shorts and looked at it. I was very interesting to me. Then i decided sense I went this far, I would stroke it. While stroking I felt the thing twitch. I then decided to try and suck. Well when I did this, I twiched alot more. This smell over took me, that I later learned it is my friend’s smell. I still smell it to this day when im around him. Anyway, as I sucking for 4min, my friend’s cock begins twitching violently. Next thing I know, he is shoting sperm into my mouth! I ended up swallowing it. It didn’t taste bad, but I like the taste of pussy better, but not bad. I looked up at my friend to see if he was still asleep, he was, and jerked myself off in like 2 seconds, then turned over and went to sleep for the night.

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