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Age when it happend: 53
Where it happened: Barcelona
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I live in a big city and am engaged with a partner with whom I like to have frequent sex. I greatly enjoy to lick and suck her clit and swallow the juices that flow out of her cunt.
As I have a moustache, after doing that, the taste of her vagina remains on it, so in the street, I clean my moustache with the tip of my tongue and like to still fell the taste.
However, more than often, I have had sexual fantasies in which I see myself grabbing a man’s balls and sucking his cock. Usually, they are just images of a faceless man that vanish soon after I have them, but lately, on occasions, they have become more than a fantasy and turned into a virtual obsession, as I can’t get those images out of my head.
I decided that while I still could give and get pleasure, I should give it a try, thinking that after I got my arse fucked and sucked someone’s cock I would get free from those images that were starting to be practically my only thought throughout the day.
At times, as soon as I wake up in the mornings, I encourage those fantasies and, after I smear my cock with oil, I masturbate while I stick anything up my anus.
I didn’t know how to go about it, but I had heard about X-cinemas, so one day I went to one.
At first I was surprised by the darkness of the place, but I managed to sit in a middle row five or six seats from the aisle. My eyes were fixed on the screen, but I don’t remember seeing anything, as my mind was trying to “see” around me. I heard whispers behind me and very soon after, a gulping sound, like someone swallowing what I guessed was sperm. At the same time, I could perceive, by the corner of my eye, that someone was taking seat two seats away from me. Again, from the corner of my eye, I could see the shadow moving to the seat next to me and I felt a leg lightly touching mine.
My heart was beating fast but I did not move my leg to let the person know that I was ready and expectant. Immediately, I felt his open hand covering my crotch trying to grab my balls and cock and moving it in circling movements that made my cock get harder than what it already was. I was impatient, so slipping my hand into my trousers, I freed my cock from my underpants. He grabbed it and immediately…I CAME!! Just like that. Bang, I came in his hand. I was shocked. He hadn’t even wanked it or stroked it and I had come. I can’t say what I felt. I just sat there, stupefied and bent forward to try and cover the mess. He removed his hand ( I guess as surprised as myself) and after pushing in my sticky cock and pulling the zipper up, I stood up and walked away between the rows of seats covering the front of my trousers with a jacket which also ended up covered in sperm. I left the cinema and stood outside for a moment trying to recover myself not knowing how to feel about it. I was confused, After going into a bar and removing as I could the sticky stuff that I had all over my trousers and jacket, I became calmer and felt the urge of more of the same as, actually, I had not gotten any pleasure out of that episode. I’ve always believed that ejaculation is not the goal of sex, but the consequence of enjoying it. As I was free for some hours and I was near home, I went and put a pair of slippers, a towel and some soap in a bag, checked a gay guide for a sauna, jumped on my motorbike and there I went. I didn’t give myself time to think, paid the ticket without being able to focus my eyes on anything and went inside. The guy gave me a towel and a pair of slippers, so I didn’t need the ones I carried. I was surprised to see that it was not like in a gym, where there are locks and one changes clothes in front of the rest of the patrons. They were private cubicles in which you could be in total privacy and lock the door. I undressed, put on the slippers and the towel around my waist and entered the steam sauna. I am short sighted, so at first I could see nothing due to the darkness and the steam on my glasses, but when I managed to find my way to a seat and slowly started perceiving faintly what was going on around me, I could see various shadowy shapes of moving bodies . After a few seconds I realized that there was a guy sitting on a bench with his legs spread out and someone on his knees in front of him who was sucking his cock. I was hard by then only with the atmosphere and I observed the scene feeling part of it and fondling my own cock as if it was being sucked; the sweat on my hands and body helped give that impression. Suddenly I heard a soft voice from my left saying:
‘They seem to be enjoying it don’t they?
I turned round and gulping without saliva I said that it seemed so.
The naked guy sitting next to me looked straight into my eyes and then lowered his eyes to his crotch, I followed hi gaze and saw that his cock was more or less like mine, that is, ready for action. He did that a couple of times and smiled. After some seconds of that “look where I look” game, and seeing no reaction from me, he said: “My cabin is number 7’ , smiled even more broadly and left.
I was petrified, but immediately my mind went back to my bench neighbours, so I turned my head a bit and just then, the man sitting on the bench started groaning and the one sucking his cock began swallowing making gulping sounds. I stood up and left the sauna heading for cabin 7; not thinking. I almost knocked on the door, but fortunately, I did not make an ass out of myself doing it. I pulled the handle and went in. The guy had grey hair, but he didn’t look that old. He was sitting back on the little bench those cabins had with his erect penis and without stopping greening he said:
”Hi. I could see you were shy. We need more privacy, don’t we?”
The cabin was not large, so all he had to do was reach out his hand , which he did, and gently grabbing my balls he pulled towards him. Of course, I followed. Sitting as he was, he got my cock close to his mouth and pulling his tongue out, began licking it all over. I closed my eyes and he went down on it. It felt like the most delicious cunt I have ever fucked. And I have fucked a few.; wet, soft and yet tight on my cock. I was about to come when he stopped, pulled my cock out from his mouth and said: ”You know your cock has a nice taste?” And without waiting for my answer, he went on: ’Wanna taste mine?’
“Why not?” is all I could mumble. I kneeled in front of him and grabbing his balls with one hand and his prick with the other I went down on him with my mouth wide open trying not to touch it with my teeth. I had expected a different taste; it was not unpleasant and soon I relaxed and started salivating filling his cock with my saliva which began running down his testicles. In the beginning, I was too conscious of the moment and what was taking place to be able to enjoy it fully, but soon I concentrated on the friction of his glans against my tongue and on how deep it went without choking me. I tried to do it the same way he had done it to me a few seconds before and, every time I moved my head backwards, I tightened my lips and sucked. I was enjoying it tremendously and my prick was about to explode. If I had not come hardly an hour before, I am sure I would have now. Then I felt his hands around my balls strapping something around the base of my testicles. I later saw it to be a small leather belt. It felt tight but pleasant. Then I heard him say: “First you fuck me and then I fuck you if you’re ready”.
I noticed that he was rolling out a condom on my cock. When he had finished, he pushed me gently, turned round, leaned with one hand on the bench and with the other directed my throbbing cock towards his hole, which he already had lubricated. I had never seen my cock so big. That little belt was producing something amazing; the veins looked like ropes tied on my cock.
When he pulled me and began probing his anus with the head of my cock, I felt something similar to pain, but it was like a pleasant electric shock going all over my body. He must have been used to it, as my then enormous phallus went entirely inside him without difficulty. It was a kind of pleasure I had never felt; the little tight belt around the base of my penis made me feel very lusty. I slowly began moving back and forwards and he also did, saying: “wank me”. I bent and cupped his balls in one hand and his cock in the other and slowly started wanking him . It felt as if it was my own cock. He was making low grunting sounds every time I pushed forwards. They grew in intensity until he came all over the bench. I think that this is what also made me come straight after him.
The whole thing had been quite civilised, but when I withdrew from his ass, we were both panting. After cleaning the mess a bit we sat and he said.
“I enjoyed it, and you also did, didn’t you?”. I looked at his face for the first time and said:
“Very much, but I have to go now”
“Oh, yeah?” he said “but you owe me something”.
He was not an unpleasant sort of guy and I still wanted to feel his cock inside me, but not right then, so I said:
“Ok. When and where?”
He smiled, took out a pad and a pen from a hanging jacket, wrote a telephone number and gave it to me saying:
“You tell me. By the way, my name is Enrique”
“And I am Jorge” I forgot we hadn’t even said our names.
I left with a mixture of feelings. On one hand, I kept having the images of his cock and balls, and their smell still made feel randy, on the other I was feeling embarrassed for having done something which nobody knew about and I would not tell. But most of all, I felt a little pain in my cock and my balls due to the session they had just had.

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