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Spare room

Age when it happend: 20
Where it happened: spare room
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

I had started work at this small printers when I was 17 I was not what you would call a great beauty and on reflection I was a bit of a frump. I was there about two years and apart from the odd printer that were all a lot older than me and they were all married. One day in February the door bell rang and this guy had come for an interview he was about 30 loosing his hair but he was nice enough. He was interviewed and got the job, he had just moved to the area and was a bit like me a lonely sole. He had been working with us for about a year and as a friend he was a nice guy. I was now 20 and still no boy friend although my dad tried to fix me up with some ones son but that did not work. We were at work one day having lunch Rob said he was thinking of going to see a star treck movie at the weekend and asked if anyone had seen it. None of us had seen it and so Rob asked if I would like to go along and see it with him. I had nothing planned so I said I would. Rob arranged to collect me I dressed casual and Rob turned up as agreed. We saw the film and then Rob took me for something to eat, after we had eaten Rob drove me home he stopped out side our house we said good night and just before I got out of the car I kissed him and thanked him for the nice evening. At work the next week we talked and I said I had really enjoyed the evening he thanked me for the kiss. The following weekend we did the same again only this time we parked on the way home (my idea) and we kissed again only this time with a bit more passion. This went on for a few weeks nothing serious just a kissing in the car. My sister heard that we had been going out together and was shocked that I was going out with this guy who was ten years older than me. My sister really upset me I decided that I would not see Rob again. A few weeks passed and I did miss him one evening I was waiting for the bus home when Rob turned up in his car he asked if I would like a lift home as the buses were running late I accepted. Rob asked me if he had done something wrong I told him he hadn’t he was pleased he asked me out again and I said yes. The Saturday came and my Dad was away on business Rob collected me and we went to see a play in the local theatre. Rob was going to take me for something to eat but as the weather was not so good I suggested that he drive me home and we get a take away and have it in my house. We stopped on the way home and got our take away we arrived home and we sat and had our take away we cleaned up the sat together on the sofa we started kissing and as usual. It was now getting late Rob said he would have to go or he might get stuck in the snow. We looked outside and the weather was getting really bad Rob would have to drive about five miles to get home. I suggested that Rob spend the night in the spare room he agreed as thought he might get stuck going home. We sat down again and as Rob was not driving he we had a few drinks. My Dad called to see if I had got home and I told him that Rob was staying as the weather was so bad Dada was fine about it and said Rob was sensible guy not risk driving home in the snow. We cuddled up together on the sofa and continued where we had left off we were getting a bit more intimate. I was now time to go to bed I showed Rob the spare room and left him for my own room I got undressed and put on a night dress and went to bed but I cold not sleep I was thinking about Rob in the next room. I got and went down stairs to make myself a drink and sat in the kitchen Rob came in wearing one of my dads dressing gowns I mad him a cup of tea and we talked. After about an hour we went back up stair Rob was about to go into the spare room when I stopped him and kissed him then asked him if he wanted to sleep with me. Rob looked surprised and said yes. We went into my room and climbed into bed Rob was naked but I was still wearing my night dress with a little help from Rob I was naked we cuddled together under the blankets and before long we were both ready to do it. Rob asked me how I wanted to do it, I had heard that for your first time the girl should go on top I told Rob I would go on top Rob laid on his back and I crouched over him Rob helped me put his erection into me at first it hurt and helped me to get it all the way in I then started to move up and down on him as I moved my 36C breast bounced around Rob held them and played with my nipples before long I felt this sensation building inside me I was having an orgasm. As it subsided I collapsed on to of Rob He rolled me over then entered me again we made love for about an hour and fell asleep. The next day was cold it was about 9.00 when I heard the front door go. “it was my Dad” I heard him come up the stairs and waited for the explosion the door opened and dad looked in saw us together and closed the door. I got up and went down stairs to see dad he was making tea. I thought Dad would have gone made see me and Rob together but he was alright about it and said as long as I was happy hat was the most important thing.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience