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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: Hotel
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was eight when my mom was changing the neighbor boys diaper and I saw a boy thing I called it. She cleaned it and said some day you will have to change a little boy this is what they have. She saw I was interested and she told me I could touch it and I did. I asked her why it was so funny looking. She said boys are very different from girls. She showed me and let me carefully feel his testicles. When I asked .What are these ? I never forgot her answer. She said these are the future. I was fine with that answer for a bit but I got more questions when I got older.
         I was tall and skinny getting new teeth and my voice was cracking when my father was standing behind me watching a sunset . I would always tip my hat off and lean back on him and he would wrap his arms around me for a minute before we left the sunset. This time his hand was on my chest and he felt my growing nipple. Feel them both I said they are on their way. Sure enough are he said .
          I was cooling my feet in the creek one day with my jeans rolled up. All of a sudden one boy after another cannon balled in to the water soaking me. The shirtless boys had no mercy and they pushed me under water. He is a she they shouted.  Maybe it’s a boy with long hair shouted one boy. I confessed I truly was a girl . My wet shirt showed I was packing bigger nipples than they were.   We wanted to play with you we thought you was a boy . Sorry we got to go, my papa don’t let me make friends with girls said the boy known as Forest. I won’t tell him I’m a girl if you don’t. Who said I won’t tell him said a brown haired boy nicknamed sparky. Well I made friends with five boys that day . Two were brothers and we all lived on farms. They all called me T not Theresa, so Forest could hang with us. 
I was one of the guys and the twins planned a camping outing and I was invited. What I didn’t know was 25 more boys were all going with me. We all hiked and camped two to a tent on a beautiful wooded hillside. Forest told me not to talk much because I was sounding like a girl. I tented with Sparky and that night he asked me what it felt like to be a girl. I asked him what it felt like to be a boy. I told him he was too pretty to be a boy . He said his mom always wanted a girl and she said the same thing. He made me promise not to tell the others so I never did. He told me another secret and he had to tell me in my ear so no one could hear us. With the campfire behind us they could see through the tent at night.  I changed in my sleeping bag after all I was eleven and some shy. The morning walk to the latrine to relieve my self , I found the door to the only sit down toilet was now missing. I had to go and I looked at the toilet seat and it was pissed on. The toilet paper was missing and so  I looked disturbed  because of that. Lucky for me Forest saw my situation and he had toilet paper in his pocket and said ,here it’s all I got. If you want I can stand here so no one can see you sit and piss. Thanks and I quickly did after wiping the seat.  Some how with 25 boys I kept my secret . Forest found the door and we put it on together so he saved my camping trip.  
       One day everyone went home with Sparky and we went on the net and some how started looking at pornography. I was mouth open. As he was visually  absorbed and I was amazed by what I saw ! I knew from then on boys were more physically attracted by looks  than us girls. Sparky asked me if girls looked that good. Those are special girls I told him. Most don’t look that big on top. There was only one picture of a muscular man with a very big penis. I grabbed the mouse so he couldn’t change the page.  There were no sexual intercourse pictures so I had not connected the dots yet. Honest everyone says sure you liar. I hadn’t figured it yet . Just then I saw a video of a young couple having intercourse. So there I was at  12 with a boy when I saw my first intercourse . I looked at Sparky and felt hot all over. Did you know this ? I felt stupid as he didn’t answer. He looked at me . T you didn’t know about sex. I ran home. 
        I recovered and met the boys the next day at our back yard hang out at the twins house. Everyone knew that I just found out about sex and Forest dad was close and listened to us whisper. So it looks like you boys have discovered the differences in the opposite sex. We were just talking about girls said some one.  You boys listen to me he said in his know everything voice. Shagging a girls wet pussy is the most wonderful thing you will ever do. We never heard an adult talk about sex and were more surprised it was Forest dad of all people. Better than Six flags , or watching The Chiefs win the super bowl. Cutting loose your load in her warm wet pussy is something you will live to do the rest of your life! Think about that he said . Then he left in his truck.  They all looked at me . Fraser said guess you need to go shag a pussy T. We horsed around and one of the twins asked me , Is your pussy very wet all the time. They hushed and waited for an answer . Come on T answer we don’t know ,we are all boys.  Wetter some times more than others. Then an example came to me.  Put your finger in your mouth . Its exactly like that. You guys are more relaxed when I’m not around aren’t you. We all like you T the added . You know we are the same when your are around and when your not. Then one of the twins hugged me . You dont need to shag a pussy to be one of us. He said.
         That fall I filled out and I was no longer one of the guys. Forest Dad looked at me one day and I told him my name was Theresa.  You can’t be sleeping over any more T. I’m sorry about some of the girl advise you overheard. It’s better I know how you think. Don’t think I would trust being alone with you in the house with out your son Forest to supervise your actions . With that being overheard by the boys I walked away. They all patted my back later. The boys were wonderful and we all were getting ready to start getting more serious. 
        I was 15 when one of the twins disappeared . We were all tore up and to this day he was never found. From then on we became even tighter . We had a service a year later and that’s when Sparky held me close and I held him back. Sparky confided that the twins both wanted to kiss me. He told them she is all our friend and we promised to let you make the first move if it ever was to happen. I whispered thanks you are all the best friends ever. I went right to all the boys and pulled them all around me and kissed every one of them on the lips and hugged everyone of them . Starting with the twin . 
       This one girl started hanging on Forest and I knew she was bad. I followed them at a distance and she was tempting him and like a momma bear I went after her. Forest pulled me off her and I was suspended that day. You want to feel a woman you feel me, stay away from her she is nothing but trouble . He admitted she had a slutty reputation.
     Sparky started holding my hand and the group agreed to us  dating. I also was the good girl finder for the other boys. I think I picked some good ones. Forest girl was questionable at first but soon she fit in and turned out great.
         It was almost Prom night our senior year except for Fraser he was a junior. I announced I was going to let sparky get on second base. That’s all they jeered we were expecting you would let Sparky take your cherry. I flashed my hand I don’t see a rock and he hasn’t proposed , second base is a long way from home plate. Sorry no piece of cherry pie for you. There were eight of us in the rented limo bus and we were sober and having a great time. There was drunk teen from another school who crashed driving and was being carried out in front of our Limo . That ended our night and the driver took us all home around 4:00 AM. Sparky held me on my porch swing in my short dress. I never saw a dead person before. The sun came up and he walked home. We all met as agreed for a noon breakfast. Sparky was acting very different and sort of quiet. Everyone shut up he said. He opened a little box with a diamond ring and asked me to marry him. He had never been on second base and still I knew he would be great for me. The twin grabbed my hand and said answer him. Forest was loosing it but kept his mouth shut. I said yes and all my boys reacted loudly in their own ways . Frasier put a hand on both of us and as soon as the noise died down, made a toast. To my best friends here at the table High School is over and most of us are going in different directions. Two of us are staying together and I am jealous . Irma Hensley and George Sparten may God bless your life. I told him I had enough money for a hotel and he finally said let’s go.  
       We drove to three places before one would rent us a room we were so young. Sparky was real pretty still though he was getting some whiskers. We showered separately and recalled when we were 12 looking at porno. Kissing was awkward enough now I had to deal with this bulge pointed at me.  The cleaning lady knocked and we yelled go away. Maybe we should just not today he said. I grabbed his warm shaft and put my head under the covers and started sucking and came up. Change your mind Sparky? Heck yes ? I had to wrestle him back and teach him foreplay. Of course I knew nothing of fore play my self but I was more in the mood and getting wetter . Sparky showered me and the bed with some very healthy globs of cum. Attempt number two made him angry as I wanted top position. We both got out of bed and stood on opposite sides. I’ll lay down and we can do missionary. Sparky said good Idea . This will work for sure . I couldn’t help but laugh and so did he standing by the bed . Big deep laughing he could barely stand. I spread my self and pointed right here . He stopped smiling and nuzzled on my neck then started working his tool in my crevice. I was was beyond ready when he lay down on me and broke my cherry. It was not to bad and the pain was over after a while. He pulled out and put on his condom and that made me so much more relaxed. I liked being close but honestly it wasn’t good.  In an hour we were at it some more and he lasted just a short while and I felt some soreness and he was not happy he didn’t last. We watched a movie and he went for a third and he was going as fast as he could and I liked it . Then I loved it . Ten minutes and he shot off and he went soft but I wanted more. I almost orgasmed that time. We watched another half movie and he said he had no more condoms . I told him let’s do it any way . He refused me like three times . I just sat down on him and had my way bare back they say. He got me to my back and I said faster . I orgasmed  and he made me orgasm twice.   He pulled out and showered me with cum.  I was a full blown woman now and I felt everyone could see it in my face. We wanted to wait a year but we married  in December . Man he can make me orgasm about every time now. I want children bad but Sparky wants to have a better job first.
I keep track of the other friends and only Forest still hasn’t lost his virginity but he is popping the question to his girl soon.

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