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Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: The Beach
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My first time was very unplanned and I really didn’t know it was going to happen. I had just turned 13 and had gone to the beach with my best friend and her family. She had a brother who was 18 and I had always had a crush on him. One morning I had gone back to the condo we were staying in for another beach towel. I was about to head back to the beach when he came in. As I past him he took me by the arm and ask why I was in such a hurry. To say the least I was flattered since he usually didn’t act like I was around. I said i wasn’t in a hurry and he took my hand and we went to the kitchen where he got a coke and we started talking. Then he leaned over and kissed me on the forehead. I melted. When I didn’t say anything he tilted my head up and kissed me on the lips. I really felt special and he just continued to kiss me. He took my hand again and we went to the living room and sat down on the sofa. He ask if i had ever frenched kissed and I ask what he meant. He told me to just follow the lead and he would teach me. WOW !!! Before I knew it we were laying down on the sofa and he was between my legs but i still didn’t realize what was happening. I was so involved in the moment that I didn’t know he had gotten himself out at that time. We were in the middle of a long passionate kisss when he touched me on the crotch. I really din’t know what to say and thought it would stop at that. He ran his finger inside my swimsuit and to say the least I got very excited. He had not put his fiinger in me just rubbed me on the outside but he was getting the results. He said “Now that’s more like it” and I ask what he meant. Then he said “You were to dry but your getting there” and with that I felt him shoving against me. I started to say something and in he went it took my breath and I couldn’t say a thing. He kissed me gently then we went into a long passionate kiss. He was going very deep and then all of a sudden he just stopped and pulled out. I ask if I had done something wrong and he laughted and said he was finished and I had been great. He told me I should go clean up and I went to the bathroom. I was grossed out when I realized how much he had done in me. I cleaned up and went back to the beach. Needless to say that was all he wanted and didn’t give me the time of day the reat of the week.

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