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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: Motel at Beach
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 8
Category: Straight

This summer my family went to Myrtle Beach for vacation. My boyfriend went with as he always does when we go somewhere out of town. We had a condo with three bedrooms and as always my parents kept a close eye on my boyfriend and I to make sure we didn’t end up together. One afternnon my Dad went to play golf with a friend and my Mom, my brother, me and my boyfriend went to the beach. Mom and my brother went for a walk up the beach and after they left Chad and I slipped back to the condo. We didn’t plan on anything other than kissing since we had never came close to going all the way. We had done some pretty heavy petting though. When we got to the condo we went straight to my room and layed down on the bed and started making out. Chad took my bikini top off and was playing with my breast. When he suggested that we take our swimsuits off I hesitated at first but a few more passionate kisses and I agreed. I told him that we were just going to enjoy each others bodies and nothing else and he agreed. The feeling of his body against mine was the most wonderful thing I had ever felt. We kept kissing and Chad was playing with my breast. In the excitment of things we were rolling around on the bed and I had gotten very horny. Before I knew what was happening Chad entered me as we were rolling around. I was so wet that he had been able to completely enter me without any problem whatsoever. He started moving in and out of me and I responded naturally. Then it hit me what we were doing and I said ” oh my god….you can’t cum in me”. Chad was really into it and again the feeling was great and I got back in rythum with him. All of a sudden he tensed up and I back off of his penis and cum shot everywhere. It was all over me and the bed. I looked down and my bush was covered and I realized he had been cumming inside me before I back off. I was a nervous wreck for the next couple of weeks until I got my period. What an exciting way to lose it !!!

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience