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Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: In her bedroom
Langauge: Zero Error
Sex: Male
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

Once upon a time there were two people. One boy and one girl. These two young creatures fell in love one starlitted night in the middle of the cold and rough Swedish winter.
Days whent by, along with weeks, and the two people grew more and more fund of each other.
One cloudy afternoon in the wonderful blooming spring, the two young people got together at the young house. She was staying with her parents far out in the Swedish countryside. He had been there before, travelling miles and miles with busses, just to see his newfound love.
This time, as all other times, they eventually ended up in her bedroom, kissing and touching each others bodies with fumbling hands. Drinking the sweet wine of physical love. Clothes fell. The mysterious feeling of skin against skin. Soft.
Suddenly the magic broke into pieces and shattered with the chilly wind of Lapplandish wind. She, broke it, with her bare hands when she led his pounding manhood for the the warmth of her deep-red moist cave.
Pain. Not sweetness. Pain.
Shame. Not love. Shame.
Cold. Not warm. Cold.
Time whent by. The boy’s raging hormones drove him to continue making love to his young blonde love. For seconds, short moments, Magic came back. Altough, what come goes.
Theire love turned into sex, and theire sex turned into a bad replicant of hard, cold pornography.
The magic died. Sick he felt.
The myth of love died.
The wine turned bitter.

“Peace and happiness, love and sunshine for all living creatures everywhere.”


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