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Stay in School!!

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: School Bathroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Okay, here the story. I was born in Ft Lauderdale, Fl, and I was moved out of there when I was 10 months old……so I grew up in California. In October I had to moved to stay with my maternal grandparents in Tampa, FL. It was hell!!!! So I moved to live with my paternal grandparents. I had to enroll in school, and everything. I played the saxophone and so I got into band. There were a majority of band geeks and then there were some musicians and then some people who play instruments. There was this fizyne girl, i duno what race she was but she waw fyne. So Id look at her and shed look at me sometimes. Then 1 week later we ended up talking. She was really friendly, I mean that kinda friendly. So it was obvious that there was an attraction. So Id give her hugs the kind you give your girlfriend. And I started talkin her her puerto rican friend in band. She was alright lookin. But you could tell she was feelin me. Things started getting real crucial and she started really hitting on me. I was single so I let her. Her friend, well call her “Robin” was gettin jealous and her attitude towards me changedd. But me and her friend “Brittany” kept hangin out and stuff durin lunch. Then one days she jus kissed me and I mean toungue but I didnt stop her cuz it had been awhile. So we keep kissin and then things progress. We dry fuck and she comes but i dont. And we plan to have sex. Me being a virgin and her not, I felt ackward so I told her that I wasnt and that I could hang really good. She beleived me. So one day after band practice, we went in the bathrooms and started kissing and talking about how we were gonna oull it off in a tiny stall and since we had no condom. She didnt wanna take her pants off all the way so I end up fuckin her leaning into her pussy. It felt sooooooooooooooooooooo warm, its like the best feeling in the world next to head….But I gave it good for my first time. We were like ten minutes into it before I came and she said she was close to it When i had to come i whipped out my dick and came on her leg. I swear that was sooooooooooooo great, but the only thing is that this girl that I really liked in California, couple days later or so, she tells me that she wants to lose her virginity to me. No me being a guy with feelings and shit, I feel that it is a kind act and now I wish I didnt have sex so I could she could take mines virginity as I took hers. But now me and “Brittany” have sex after practice wheneverr we can and now I give it good and can really hang. So when I get out in California I can make her first her best….

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