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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: kingwood harbor
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

ok so it all started with a flirting thing i had with this guy back in 08. he flirted back even though he had a girlfriend so i thought “we” could actually go somewhere. like he can dump her for me. it gets to where we start hanging out more. one day at school lunch (which i didnt have one bc i only had 4 classes, i stayed for him) he showed me a pic of himself he was gonna show this other girl in his next class. haha. i was like, nice. i say so i guess since u showed me urs ill have to show u mine as a halfjoke. he said hell yeah, take some pics tonite and show me tomorrow. i was like okayyy. i only took pics of me in my bra and pantes bc i dont like taking naked pics of myself. so i show him the next day and he says theyre hot but not satisfying. he wanted me to take naked ones. ooops. 🙂 so i told him i wasnt and that if he wanted to see my boobs he would have to see in person. a couple days later he asks me to give him a ride from work. i was like, ok, ill just lie too my mom. i told her i left my rings at work, she bought it, i left at 945. i know, im detailed. so i go to pick him up and he said we should pull into the harbor. its like a deserted town center by a long bridge by a huge lake. it was deserted then. so i park my car in one of the spots kinda sorta by the lake. we get out and walk by the lake, get to talking, he pretends to throw me into the lake but he says he would never. oh yeah, btw it was like 47 degrees outside. cold! but as we walk back to my car i say so u rly wanna see my boobs? he said yeah. i take off my shirt and walk towards the car. i said well since i took off my shirt u gotta take off urs. he does and since hes a runner he has a great set of…abs. so we get in the car. some talking goes by. his phone rings, its his mom. but he doesnt pick it up bc if he did, he wouldve had to go home. so i decided it would have to be a game kinda. i turned around and said just take it off. so he undid my bra but i kept my hands there. and he kept saying to take those off but i said not until u take something else off. he took his shoes off! yeah rite thats not enough. i told him if u take ur pants off ill take off mine. so he did. haha. now that im actually writing it, it feels…empowering. so he starts to take off his pants and says i do have an erection. at this point i dont rly care, i just want to see. soo he slides off his pants and there it is. i was thinking so this is what its like huh? haha. and we were talking about being ticklish. i said i wasnt, that i could make myself not be tickleish. he started tickling me and i tried soo hard not to laugh. he said why is ur seat so pushed up towards the wheel. i said bc im uncomfortable. he says i bet u i can pick u up. i said i bet u can. and he said go ahead say i wont. i said he wouldnt be able to. silly me. he picked me up from the drivers seat of my car, put his seat back. i told him it was my first time and he said ok. and with my chemical romances song sleep playing, we did it. me eyes were closed most of the time. and during i was thinking, is this rly happening? it seemed so much like a dream. when he pulled out the first time (in my head i was like “that was it? i didnt even feel anything close too climaxing!”) but i guess he whiped it off or something cuz he accidentally pushed the back button on the radio. i said again? he said yeah. the second time was better. tho i didnt climax, i almost did. rite when he pulled out i looked up at the windows in my car and they were foggy. i was like holy shit! did we do that? and he looked up at me and nodded. then we made out for like, 7 seconds. not that long bc i came back to my realistic senses and it was already about 1030. i got off and for some reason my legs were shaking rly bad. i told him and he said r u good enough too drive? i said yeah im fine. heh. my mom called when we were getting dressed. i said to not make any noise. my mom says did u find the rings? i said uhhh yeah they were under the cash register the whole time. we were looking everywhere and they were under the cash register thingy the whole time. she said ok ur coming home then rite. yep. bye. lol. she bought it! he says so what happens here stays here rite? i, still discombobulated say yeah. i drop him off at home. when he gets out he says thanks foor the ride. that cracked me up. right when i pull out of his neighborhood i call my best friend. she dooesnt pick up so i left a msg saying oh my gosh my legs r still shaking! kat u wont believe what just happened. that was basically it. i hung up. drive home. its 1115. mom says i shouldnt be taking my rings off at work. she says u were there for a while. i said i was looking everywhere. and i went to the bathroom. still couldnt believe it,went to my room. kat called and we talked about it, in detail (her first time and mine). oh yeah, in short, he tells his girlfriend, she calls me crying saying im going to hell, they break up, we go out for almost a day, almost do it again in a park, his “ex” calls me that afternoon saying theyre back together and shes pregnant and tells me not too talk to him, text him or anything like that. it basically sucked. until he started talking to me again this january…but thats a whole nother story.

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