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Steph and James Make Love

Age when it happend: 20
Where it happened: Dorm Room
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 7
Category: Straight

I met James the first week of college in the fall of 1997. He asked me out and so we started dating. On our fifth date he carried me to a nice restaurant, then we went for drinks and dancing. It was a lovely afternoon and evening. Around 9:00 PM on Saturday September 13, 1997 we decided to return to campus and swin at the aquatic center. We went by his dorm for him to cahnge first, I went into his room and started to take off his clothes. I had anticipated that he would change in the bathroom. I tried to look away but my eyes kept looking back at James. He was the first person I had ever seen naked. His body made me feel like I had never felt before. He pulled on his trunks, and t-shirt and we left for my dorm room. The entire way there I was thinking about the first penis I had ever seen. We arrived at my room (I’m lucky because my room conected to a bathroom) and I gathered my swimsuit and went and changed clothes. When I came out, James was sitting on my bed and said,”Damn Stephanie you look
good”. James stood up and I kissed him. He kissed me back, and started kissing my neck. God it felt great as he kissed my arms, hands, shoulders, and back. I thought this was how a lady was supposed to feel. Then he picked me up and sat me on my desk, and gave me a long kiss with alot of tongue. Then he started kissing my feet, ankels, and up my legs. I had never felt this way in my life. This whole time he had rubbed his hands all over my body. Then he pulled my swimsuit to the side. He kissed the insides of my thighs, and ever so gently the folds of my vagina. Then he began to probe me and lick me. It felt great, I had my first orgasm in about 30 seconds. When he was done he asked me to provide oral sex to him, so I clumsely removed his trunks to find his penis much bigger than it had been 45 minutes before. I quickly put it into my mouth and began to suck. I clumsely did this for about five minutes and he told me to stop. Then he shot semen right past me and onto my roommates closet door. We quickly left and went swimming without saying a word about what had just occured. We swam for about an hour and then James asked if I wanted to go for ice cream. We left the pool and returned to my room. I wanted to take a shower first and James said he did to. With my roommate gone for the night, I said something I had never dreamed I would: “Hey we have already seen each other naked, just shower with me”. I think I half meant this as a joke, but James quickly said yes. While in the shower I realized that I was extremly horny. I got out of the shower first and dried off, and wrapped a towel around myself. When James got out he began to dry himself off. I watched him, I wanted him. I had always said I would be a virgin on my wedding night; yet tonight I wanted James as my first. His penis had fallen from erect to only semi-erect. Then out of the blue, James said, “Stephanie ________ I love you”. I turned and dropped my towel to the floor, and stood naked in front of him. Then I kissed him.
I pulled him onto the bed with his penis quickly becoming erect. He kissed me all over just like befroe, then we suck my nipples and breasts. Just as I was buring for him he teased my vagina with his tongue. Then he came up and kissed me. Slowly he worked his penis into my vagina. It hurt slightly, but I loved every second. We made love for what seemed like at least ten minutes, I was in heaven. He told me he was going to pull out soon, and asked if he could ejaculate on my stomach. I just wrapped my legs around him real tight and told him “NO”. Within seconds he filled me with hot semen, which set off my second orgasm of the night and of my life. Im glad I lost my virginity to a guy like James. On Christmas eve he asked me to marry him. We are getting married in July of 1998. I love sex!!!!!! Im just thankful it is with someone special like James. Oh, Ive gotten much better at giving oral sex…yum!!!!!!!

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