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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: Beach
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

Well it all started when me and my girlfriend, Mandy, were making plans to
go to the beach. We had convinced Mandy’s mom to take care of the hotel
arrangements and even talked her into letting us stay at the beach alone
for 6 days. Mandy and I constantly talked about going to the beach and we
made new plans every night until the night we left. Often times we talked
about having sex, and how excighting it would be to have sex at the beach.
Mandy knew that I wasn’t a virgin and she was but that didn’t mean anything
to her. It was never a big issue for me wether or not we had sex but just
that I would have a good relationship with her. Mandy felt the same way
but she has also told me that she was ready for me but that she had just
wanted to wait. I wasn’t exactly sure what this meant but I made it a point
not to dwell on it. As the day we would leave for the beach approached we
talked more and more about having sex, but we never made plans.

Finally the day came when we sat in her car and started off for the beach.
On the way down we mainly talked about other things like school and friends.
We arrived at the beach around 6:00 as the sun was just dissapearing over the
horizon. We were both tired and decided that after we had unpacked our stuff
into the hotel room we would go straight to bed or maybe watch some tv. I was
insanely nervous about what might happen that night. Eventually we layed in bed
and turned on the tv, both of us half naked (of course). I was still pretty
nervous and untalkative other than a few comments on what we were watching that
night. She rolled over and into my arms but after about ten minutes she fell
asleep and I joined her.

The next day we spent most of our time sleeping. Around 4:00 we decided to go
out on the beach. We only swam a little, and mostly talked on the shore. Time
passed quickly and soon we found ourselves talking to eachtoher under the
star-scattered night. After all the talking that day I felt more relaxed about
sex and figured that when it happens it happens. After another hour of talking
on the shore we decided to go to bed. When we got into the hotel room we both
got into our pajamas and slipped into bed. Mandy turned on the T.V. and started
switching the the channels. She reached HBO and one of my favorite movies was on.
She knew it was my favorite movie and that I would probably want to watch it, but
quickly turned off the T.V. and asked me what I wanted to do. Just as I started
to answer she leaned over and started to kiss me. I was fast to kiss her back.
Pretty soon we were dry humping, as we often did. I could feel my hard dick slide
in between her legs, but it wasn’t enough for me. I reached down and pulled off
her pajamas while she reached down to pull off my boxers. We started again and I
could feel my dick rubbing against her smooth skin but still it wasn’t enough for me.
I reached down and without any protest from her I placed my hard dick just underneath
her pussy. Mandy, being on top, slowly started to slide her pussy around my dick.
As she did I could feel the warmth of her pussy surround my dick. After awhile she
stopped, I guess it was beggining to be to much for her. I gently started to push
my dick further into her pussy. After I heard her moan I brought it out again. the
next time she pushed at the same time I did and I felt my dick go far into her pussy
as she moaned. We kept going, further and further each time. After we had gotten my
dick all the way in we started to pick up speed. Her pussy got wetter and wetter
with each thrust. After about 30 minutes of pushing my dick into her pussy I felt
as though I was going to explode. I uncontrollably started to quickly push and pull
my dick quickly in and out of her pussy. Mandy layed on me frozen by the feeling of
her pussy being tightly wrapped around my dick. I kept going faster. About 5
minutes into this we were both on the virge of yelling when I felt my cum rush into
my dick. I moaned to Mandy that I was about to cum but, she made no effort to get off.
Instead she quickly start trusting in synch with me. Just as she started I lost control
and all my cum shot into her wet pussy. I slowed down and gave a few more hard thrust
to make sure all my cum was in her. I slowly pulled my dick out of her pussy. She
rolled partly off of me and layed next to me with half of her body on top of me. I held
her close and felt both our heartbeats rapidly beating. She kissed me a couple of
times on the neck and then layed her head on my chest. We both shut our eyes. Just
before we slipped into sleep I whispered to her ‘I love you.’

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience