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Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: school
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Boarding school’s have a reputation for homo-sexual activities, this is true for girls and boy’s schools.
When a number of healthy young people at puberty are in a hot house situation it would be silly minded not to recognise that this is so.
At our boarding school, single sex, about 440 boys in seperate houses, only about 6/7 boys were actually recognised as being Gay.
I became one of them.
I was in the loo one day having a wee, when a door of a cubical was pushed open, an older boy was sitting there and playing with his penis.
He said what are you looking at?, I said nothing C,he called me over and asked me to touch it…to this day I do not know why I did not just leave..it must have just been curiosity..he started to masturbate and I watched..then he took my hand and put the fingers around his penis and started me off, I started to masturbate him..I said is this alright, and he said yes.
Then out of the blue he just said how would you like it in your bottom?…..yet again I just said alright..we climbed out of the back window of the loo, and walked to a hidden bit of lawn, he told me to take my trousers down and lay onto the grass on my tummy, I think that he spat onto his hand and rubbed it on to his penis, then he knelt down behind me…I still had not thought about what was to happen..I must just have been in awe of him, then I pain in my bottom, I cried out, you are hurting me!…he said don’t worry, it won’t hurt soon, and carried on pushing it into me, then the pain did fade a bit,he started pushing, and pushing and a in out movement, but I was still shouting out, C you are really hurting me!! then he started gasping and crying out himself and with a shout a spurt of wetness was between my legs, he fell on me and lay gasping, and said in my ear, don’t tell anyone..I was frightened of C so I said I would not.
We walked back to the main School and I had wetness running down my leg.
C never did it to me again, but once he masturbated me in the dorm during the day, but could not understand why I could not yet cum, I just became very excited and exhausted.
But he must have said something to other boys because at least 3/4 boys came to have sex with me, mostly on the fields at the out reaches of the school grounds which were extensive.
I was the subject of a gang bang in the photgraphic hut one evening, it was the first time I had to suck a boy’s penis, and I did not want to do it, and the salty cum almost mde me sick.
However when I left school, I started to understand that even if I could not see it, others could…I once was walking down Queensway in London, and a black man , an African just came up to me and asked if I would like to be fucked?, I just said, no thank you very much, and walked on.
I told the story to a few friends at the pub later, they just laughed and said, oyu are asking for it…I asked why, and they said we all thought you were gay…I had no idea that they thought this..I was not anoyed, but intrigued, so asked how?
They told me a number of things that they had noticed about me which I had been unaware of.
2 of them later would have sex with me.
I began to notice that I was always treated as the female and that I never acted the male part with any boy or man, and never have..yet I am not outwardly feminine.
When I was only 12 my brother and I were at Trafalgar Sq. a man came over to me and asked me to go with him and he would give me some money, all I would have to do is lay down on a sofa!…I went to tell my elder brother, who came running at the man, shouting pervert, and many other names, the man ran off…I just found it funny…when we got home, my brother told my parents of the incident, and my Father told me to not be so trusting of strangers…yes you have all got it..I was very young for my age..and men seemed to know it.
I was once fucked by a master at school, he told me that I was having sex with other boy’s and don’t deny it..I said that they do it to me!! and he pushed me over a large armchair, and said so I can too, pulled my trousers dow, and smacked me really hard of my naked bottom until I cried, then he pushed his penis in and fucked me really hard, and then smacked me again!! this then was my first fucking by a man.
so many other things happened when I was young to me it seems amazing that I did and have not sought out any boys to have sex with…this I can say with total truth.
Have I had sex with a girl/woman, yes once..I had a friend who was going out with a Swiss girl, we shared a house in London with two other chaps and a young female student teacher, but we had a strict privacy of own roms rule, only on Sunday mornings would we all gather in this friends room as it was the largest and read the Sunday newspapers and magazines.
One day two girls came around and one went into my friends room, and the other who I had not met came into mine uninvited, this girl just took off her knickers and threw them in to the corner of the room, and told me to wash myself! I was anoyed because I was and am a clean person, so I said go away, but there was a sink in the room, and she just said, just down there you silly boy, and so I did, then she locked the door, and pulled me on top of her..I had never had sex with any female in my life, she stroked me and put it in, and I just moved back and forth..I have no recollection of any super pleasure just that it seemed to be over..she tried at least 3 times more at different times to help me enjoy it, once sitting on me and riding me, but still no real reaction from me, I thought her breasts were ugly as they seemed like lemons and just bounced around looking silly…that was and is my only female sex experience to date.

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