Where it happened: My moms house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
Looking back from my present age of 23 I have so many fond memories of growing up. Not that I would ever want to do it over. Growing up is one of those things you survive. I got my first kiss in the front seat of a chevy vega. He bumped the shifter and the car drifted into my moms picket fence . Stuff like that was a fun memory. Then there was the elevator when I was eight. I was wearing a dress that caught between the doors as we left an upper floor I was on the ceiling and a tall strong man saved my life by ripping my dress in half the elevator instantly dropped and everyone screamed. I wet my self and we were all on the floor. My mother and the big stranger and another boy were in a group hug when we stopped at the bottom , happy to be alive.
My first boy friend was very aggressive and always was trying to remove my clothing. A few times I let him strip me naked. I spent some time buttoning and pulling things on . He never got a good feel , I think he just liked to see me. I am small . I wear a size 0 and have an A cup now. So imagine smaller. Little bit, mini, speck, short stuff were my names . When some motorcycles had one passenger seats, I still could sit on the seat with an average size person. I have never found a motorcycle that I could touch the ground while sitting on the seat.
My first sexual experience unfortunately was with my father. We did pretty much go all the way , but he didn’t go all the way deep which is a relief. I walked to dads work with my back pack and a small tent and sleeping bag. We tied everything to his small motorcycle and we left after he finished work . We drove the 600 miles to see my real mother a few times a year and I loved the air and wide open Montana highways. We would pull off the road when daddy got tired and I would set up the tent and he would start a sterno and make noodles. Most of the time we were only half in the tent so we could see the stars we wore pajamas and I would snuggle in his arms as we watched the stars . This night was cold and we were not half out very long. Dad was sleeping and lightly snoring very quickly . I opened my paperback novel and read as is normal for me with a clip on book light. Sleeping with my father was nothing new and I have done it many times before and after this unfortunate incident. Well a couple chapters in to the book his hand reaches under my pajama top and holds my right titty. I shined my book light to his face he was fast asleep so I let it go. You must be dreaming of my mother I said as he would some times squeeze. This became annoying after a while so I pulled his hand down but it kept traveling south under my pajama bottoms and claimed a solid grip on my pussy mound. Unprepared in every way for this contact my book flew and my body gyrated in the sleeping bag. Wake up daddy quick I said as his right arm held my shoulder and his left hand was concentrating on my pussy opening. Quickly I placed my hand under his hand and stopped his sleep attack but he kept squeezing my hand and I was now getting wet. My fingers now dripping in my own wetness with daddy’s hand on mine helping me , I totally masturbated and couldn’t help but groan. Daddy ‘s erection worked it’s way out his pajama fly and was stabbing me everywhere. I thought oh God no . My Daddy will kill him self when he wakes up. My loose fitting pajamas were partway down as he wanted my pussy bad. I twisted away in the sleeping bag so I wasn’t facing him and now his erection was poking my ass. I figured anal would be terrible but getting prego would be the pits. He kept pushing it everywhere and I kept my hand tight over my pussy. Daddy hands were on my hips as the assault continued a minute then his hands grabbed mine and I figured it was the end for my virgin run . The sleeping fathers erection was easily sliding right in my very wet vagina . I puckered my pussy with all my might and luckily it popped out and passed between my legs. My right hand was now free so I grabbed his erection which was wet from entering partway in me. I had never given a hand job but what could I loose. Quickly I emptied Dad down to the last drop and the sleep attack was over . My side of the sleeping bag was was wet from spunk but dad’s side was fine and dry . I pushed his soft penis in to his pajamas and just lay there. I was afraid some sperm had gotten in me . I worried a long time. I realize now that I’m older it doesn’t run out of them in the beginning. I got my book and light and read a fell asleep about sunrise. Dad woke me up still in the sleeping bag with me. You look like you didn’t sleep at all. Was your book that good , he asked. It’s a good book Daddy . I asked him if he missed being married and missed my mother. I sure do . He said . She divorced me and it still hurts. He got up and climbed out and I in the full light saw the mess he made on my side of the sleeping bag. It was mostly dry by then. I never told him.
My first time going all the way was with a boy who lived next to my mothers house. I watched him dress or undress with my mother every day as he had no curtains and didn’t care. We oh la la ‘d his act he was a hunk and he knew it. I was 17 and he was 15. I had no muscles , he was only muscles, I had long hair ,he very short hair. I bought condoms and set my trap as he finished removing the trash. He came in and my trap failed . It was so lame I still don’t want to talk about it. He had pity on me and asked me in front of my Mom if I wanted to go to bed with him. Mom covered her mouth and said got to run. When her car left I told him it was a great idea. So where do we start? he said as he removed my flower holding up my hair. We should start at the beginning I said as I unbuttoned his shorts. The undressing was fast and we stood there me so thin and he heavily muscled. I removed my bra and he grabbed his tighty whity and said I’m new at this . I help you through this I told him. This doesn’t mean we like each other I told him. Why not he said ? I like you very much. In fact we better stop right now if you don’t like me. I pulled down my breifs and flashed my close cut pubes. I change my mind he said. I have condoms I said as softly as I could. That helps then he said I’ll do it. He pulled down his briefs and rose up and blushed. He grabbed my little waist and pulled me close . Not much to you is there. Shut up and start kissing I ordered. He picked me up and held me like a little child with a hand under my ass as he kissed me. In the middle of a French kiss his fingers were wandering in to my opening. How come I can’t get in he said? Because I’m cherry still ! I whined feeling his finger pressure . I don’t get it . What are you saying? I didn’t want to explain. I pulled the big lug to my bed. I tossed the sheets back . Then I climbed in to the middle of the bed . Do you have any experience using your fingers or maybe your mouth . He smiled . Yea a few times. Let’s do that first and just do what you want from there. I do think we should stop all this talking. He dove right in and soon he found what was blocking his way . It was terrible getting in me but 40 minutes later he was satisfied and I was over the pain of loosing my virginity. My second go around was so much better. I think he was surprised how hard and excited I got after warming up. For me the friction of a long shaft is what I like best. The bumping is a must every plunge he must bump. The condom made me relax . He had enough at two time around , but I was ready to go all night. Gosh we had sex six times that weekend. My real Mom even gave my Daddy a quickie before we went home. I told Daddy that I had just lost my virginity on the weekend stay at my mothers when we were snuggling in the single sleeping bag , on the trip home. He patted my flat tummy asking if I used protection. Every condom was in good shape no worries. I felt loved and safe in Daddy’s arms.
Thanks for reading