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Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: Camping in a Tent
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

We were camping in a tent with another couple and a single guy, and we were playing dares. Shaurn the single guy ws daring us (Adam and I) to score for 30 seconds then the couple did it but for half the time we did it. So we did it then the other couple did. Then Shaurn dared us to hump each other for 10 seconds and again the other couple only had to do it for 5 seconds. The other couple did it first this time then we started to do it and we got a bit carried away. Next thing we know we were naked in the tent on a freezing cold night going hard out with the others watching use in amazement and just before the orgasm hit us the others all left. It was amazing!

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