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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: at her house
Langauge: eng
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

You see it all happened when you are the only virgin in you grope of friends when every one is talking about how gr8 the sex was you just get fed up with it and think of one thing only losing your virgin so I met this girl sue not her real name btw she was gr8 friend so we hang out 2 gether and one day she ask 2 come visit so I went there meeting her family all look real nice so we where alone for night and we sat watching tv she called one of her friends telling them I’m a shy guy I felt so embarrassed I actioly stand up and get a drink so I thought by my self fuck it all 2 nights my night and I got back and throw the fone on the floor and started kising her she some how manage 2 got my dick out before I notice I didn’t know much so I started playing with the nipels and work my way down her pussy was really wet I finger her and she got on me fuck gr8 feeling masterbating doesent come even close 2 it so I got in and after 7 mins I was redy 2 explode I didn’t want her 2 know so I tried 2 hide it and booom it explode in her after all of the sex she came back for more and more we did it in places I never thought of doing it we don’t talk any more she got all emo cut her self and went 2 rehab 4 times but that’s live with gr8 sex come big disappointment that’s my story

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