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Sues baby

Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: A friends house
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

I had worked for this company for six years and lead a very boring life I had few friends and never had a girl friend in the real sense. I had made the decision to improve my life and hopefully my social life by going to college. I applied for a full time course at the local technical college had been accepted the week before I started I had to register So I took the day off work with the intention of enrolling in the afternoon. At the place that I worked there was this women called Sue who I was friendly with, she was six years older than me single and lived with her mother as I was leaving I thought I would ask her out for meal just as a thank you for being a friend, unfortunately I never got up the courage to ask her out and the week I was leaving she was on holiday so I would not have the opportunity to ask her . It was the morning of the day I had to go to the college to enroll it was a nice day and prior to going to the college I thought I would get my hair cut in the local town. I had my hair cut and was walking into town which meant that I had to pass Sue’s house as I approached the house I saw Sue coming out we exchanged pleasantries and I explain to Sue that I was off to enroll at the college. Sue asked if I was having something to eat before I enrolled I really hadn’t thought of it but said I will probably get something to eat. Without thinking about it I found myself asking Sue out to lunch she hesitated then said Ok, but could I wait while she changed we went into Sue’s house Sue made me a coffee and we talked about the local places to eat we agreed that we would have lunch in the local pub. Sue sat there looking at me leaned forward and kissed me “ I have wanted to do that for ages she said” I always liked Sue but I thought she only thought of me as a mate. I responded kissing her and holding her at the same time we went into Sues front room and sat on the sofa we just sitting there kissing and touching I undid a couple of buttons on Sues blouse then while kissing her held her breast she stopped me “not hear” Then taking me by the hand lead me upstairs to her bedroom pulled the curtains kissed me and told me to get into bed. I started getting undressed Sue left the room when I had finished I got into sues bed and waited Sue returned a few minuets later wearing a golden colored silk robe. She looked at me and said what happens this afternoon is between us you can’t tell anyone about this. I agreed Sue removed her robe she was naked then climbed into bed with me we kissed and talked Sue told me that it was years since she had had sex I confessed that I was not very experienced but was pleased to learn. We kissed again Sues hand was playing with my penis I was getting harder she moved around and I felt her mouth on my erection after a few minuets I cam Sue squeezed my penis and kept it hard we kissed again and Sue rolled onto her back I climbed on top of her and entered her first time slowly I moved in and out as she moved her body. We rolled over and sue was on top then we rolled over again I could feel my self coming and Sue pulled me closer and I felt my body explode into her we did it again before we washed and went for lunch. After lunch we parted I enrolled at the college and Sue went home. I did not see Sue again but a few years later I met one of the other women I had worked with she told me that a few months after I had left Sue moved away from the area and it was rumored that she had a baby girl. I never saw Sue again but sometimes wonder if I was the father of her child.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience