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Summer Camp with Benefits

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: Dorms at a summer camp
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was at a summer camp. It was a short one; it was only two weeks long with two overnights. This camp had kids of all ages there, split into guy and girl groups. For some reason, they decided the teenagers would be in a co ed group. I met my best friend there, we’ll call him Alex. We instantly connected, we talked all the time, we did everything together. People joked that we were a couple.
The last full day of camp, before the second overnight(considered the grand finale of camp) we were at a waterpark. His friend from school was conveniently there, a coincidence. We were playing volleyball, and he asked his friend to join in. Alex was the team captain, and he picked me instea of his friend first. Seems stupid now but he thought of to as nothing and everyone exchanged a look.
That night, we slept in dorms at a local university. Everyone was watching a movie downstairs, but I had to get a deck of cards from upstairs so we had something to do after. Alex was in the elevator, coming down. He offered to go up with me. I said that I was going to miss him. He pushed me against the elevator door and kissed me. When we got to the forma, i unlocked mine and pushed him in so we could make out in privacy. He started kissing my neck and I started to groan. Let both couldn’t stop smiling as we kissed. Then our counselor yelled vaguely to everyone to come downstairs. As soon as we could, Alex and I snuck into an empty library type room, where we made out some more. I could feel him getting hard- he blushed. Feeling bold, I grabbed it and kissed him harder. I sat on top of him and massaged it through his pants. He took my shirt off. He took my bra off with his teeth and pushed me to the ground, ducking on my tits. I couldn’t handle it, so I started fingering myself. He took off my pants without breaking contact with my lips. We couldn’t keep our hands off of eachother. I remember that he kept on tracing the small of my back, and I pressed my hands against his small four pack abs. He started fucking me, whiseprin my name. He came then awkwardly ate me out, he tried his best. He still made me come. We started dating after that, and didn’t have sex again until we were 19 and 20. I’m marrying him in a few months actually

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