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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: Her mom's van
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Well I had hooked up with this girl (we wil call her Silky) from school. She had moved here from michigan and was kinda new so I thought i would be nice and help her out till she made some friends. I had no intentions of us getting together believe it or not, I just know what its like to be the new kid at school. Anyway! We had become friends, and i would go to her house when she had to watch her little brother to help out. It was like this for about six months when i realized that she now had friends of her own, and she still wanted to be my friend which was cool with me since I have a blast teaching her little brother how to play football. Well, I thought that she was staying friends with me because she didnt want to hurt my feeling after I was so nice to her, so I asked her girlfriend (we will call her Smooth) why she still was so deturmined to hang out with me after school and football practice, and she told me that Silky had a crush on me. Well i had a not-so-serious girlfriend, you know the classic football-cheerleader thing we do in high school. Anyway, I broke it off with my girlfriend and decided I would ask Silky out. She said yes that she had had a crush on me for a long time. We decided that we would sneak out friday night, and since i was just 15 and she was 16 she had a Drivers Lincense so she came to get me. I drove anyway because she didnt like to drive at night. we went to this nice cliff type area over-looking this big lake, and the full-moon reflection was pretty. We were just talking when she leaned over and kissed me, it kinda threw me off since she knew i didnt want to do anything to mess up my life, like have a child. I mean I had a full football scholorship that i didnt want to mess up so I backed off, and appologized to her. Well it got cold so we got back in her mom’s van, and continued our conversation. Well after about an hour, I started to feel horny, which isnt like me since I was so determined not to have sex till I was married or was sure she would be the one I was going to spend the rest of my life with. Anyway, she leaned over and kissed me again and thanked me for being so nice to her for the past 6 months, and gave me this look. Well that set me off….I started to kiss her back, and we really got into it, when she told me that she was a virgin and was scared. She really wanted to do it, but didnt want to catch anything, and since the girl I had been going out with had the rep of a slut, she thought i might have some STD or something, so i told her i was a virgin to. That made her feel a lot better and we started to make out again. Next thing I know we are in the back part of the van with the seats laid down making the most passionet love ever. We went nice and slow so i lasted a decent amount of time, and made sure to extra gentle for her. After about thirty minutes i guess we were both spent. I laid on top of her still inside her, and we held each other till e fell asleep. Well were woke to the sound of the birds shirping at 9:00 in the morning. we were busted, and we both got into a lot of trouble. Well I should tell you that I didnt get to take that scholorship due to the fact that she got pregnant. We are now married with a son. I love them both dearly, and even though I love to play football, and really wish I could have gotten the chance to play in college, I would not change a thing. I love u Silky 8)

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