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Where it happened: her apartment
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

Suzanne had just started working at the store where I worked. I had just and shes old. I first noticed her because she was constantly staring at me. She always had this sort of “evil grin” when she did it. She was a beautiful woman with blond hair and piercing blue eyes.

After a couple of days of her staring at me, she walked past me and whispered to me “I wanna fuck your brains out!” That comment completely caught me off guard! All I could reply to that with was a “huh?”. I figured that she just had a strange sense of humor.

Later that day, she cornered me again… this time, she looked me in eyes and said “you’re a virgin arent you?” I replied “excuse me?!” She shot back “you are! I can tell because you are so shy!” She griled me with other questions like my age and other smalltalk. She then finally told me her name.

The next day, I felt her staring at me again. I looked over at her and smiled. She walked over to me and asked me if I wanted to go for a drive with her after work. I started to decline, but her powerful blue eyes melted me. I stammered an agreement to which she just replied that “I am sooo cute!”

After work, we climbed into her old Camero and she drove us down to the beach. She asked me if I’d ever kissed a girl before to which I replied “of course!” She then leaned over and kissed me. She was an incredible kisser! We made out for like 30 minutes. She then asked me if I “had ever reveived a blowjob before.” I stammered out a “no…” and she then took off her shirt and bra, placed my hand on her breast and then proceeded to unbutton my pants. I was delierious from all of it! She finished taking my pants off and went down on me. It only took her like two minutes before I could take no more and I came. My heart was beating like 100mph! All I could bring myself to say was “wow!”.

We got dressed, exchanged phone numbers, and she took me back to my car.

Two days later she invited me to follow her back to her place. We didnt waste much time before we were naked and making out again. We made out for like 45 minutes. She stopped me and asked me if I felt I was ready to “do it”. As I am but a mortal man.. I just enthusiastically replied “hell yes!!” She said that she was asking because she didnt want my first time to be a negative experience.

She got out some condoms, and put one on me. I was shaking I was so nervous! She climbed on top of me… and damn! It was the greatest thing I had ever felt! About two minutes later I orgasmed. I was still shaking.

We kissed and made out some more for like 5 minutes and then she put another condom on me. This time we had sex for like 25 minutes.

When it was over, she looked at the clock, and told me that she had to go pick up her kid (d’oh!!) and I had to leave.

That night, some guy called up and told me that he was going to kill me (??). I was thoroughly confused by that. The next day at work Suzanne told me that if I got any threatening phone calls, to ignore them, because it was just her husband (D’OH!!) but he is harmless (at least she was right about that.. he never called again).

The next week, I noticed that a lot of the girls at my work were starting to talk to me and even hitting on me. I was confused.. but I loved it! Finally, one of the girls told me that Suzanne was telling the other girls that I was the “greatest fuck of the century”

Even worse is that I continued to sleep with her for 3 more months before we broke it off! What can I say, I was !

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience