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Swim Meet

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: Car
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was at a swim meet and had been hanging around with my boyfriend Derek (also a swimmer) for about 3 consecutive days and he had the hotel room next to mine. I was rooming with one of my best friends and he was rooming with one of his. The third day we were all at finals and he called my name and took me out in the hall. Derek and I went into the family locker room and started to pull my warm-ups off. Then we realized that because I had my suit on this was not going to work. Later that night I drove home with him and we stopped at this resturant. He pulled around to the back where there were no cars. I had changed but was still wearing the warm-ups so he started to unzip them and I did the same thing to him. We climbed into the back seat where he told me to lie on my back. THem he told me he would be gentle and to take a deep breath. He slowly started to push his dick into me and it was HUGE so it seemed like it took forever to get it in. Then he started pumping and I was moaning so loud. He started to cum and pulled himself out of me and got cum everywhere all over me himself and his car. We started to fuck again and it felt so good after I got past the pains of the first time. Derek and I still go out and still fuck at swim meets, because that is the only time that our parents are not there. It is amazing that they trust us to go to meets alone together.

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