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swimming wid god

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: swimming pool
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

me and my m8wre going to this swimming pool 4b years and years one day this really fit life gaured cum 2 speak to us…..he was new i remember faces well……he was chatting me up with some crap chat up lines i tld him to shut up and i sed yes i will go out wid you….we went out on dates for bout a week, he was like a god and all the ovas girls wanted him but i had him 1 sunday nit i turnt me down 4 a date cuz he was busy at the pool wid a private party…..but he tld me to stop round cuz no1 would notice me being there so that day me and my m8 went out to pick some really revealing bikini to put on…..at 8 oclock i arrived at the pool i was tld to use the back entrance so i went round the back into the store room walked to the showas then the changing rooms…i waited for him to come he came along kissed me told me to get changed and then he would come and get me to go to the pool, i got changed shouted at him that i was ready he came along and put a blind fold ova my eyes and led me away to the pool ….when i got their i waited he took it of and their in front of me was a swimming pool lit up by candels…. he tld me to get in i stood in the pool he put music on and then got in himself we just stood in the water kisssing…he tld me nothing had to happen but i took his hand turnt round and told him to undo it ….he gently undun my bikini and turnt round just wareing my bikini bottoms …..i started to rub the water all over his body and told him not to be shy he gentl touched one of my tits and sed that we didnt have to do anything like this….i sed yeah we do!!! i sed to him im going underwater he sed y but it was to l8 i was under water pulling downhis shrts as i come up for air i told him it was his turn as he went under water i grabed his hand and directed him to the bows that done it up he gently undone it then came back up for air i started the foreplay he quickly got into it he was rubbing his body up against mine and forcefully but in a fun way playing wid my tits i went underwater and started sucking his long knob untill he was ready to go further i came to the surface and moved his hand to my hollywood waxed pussy and told him to finga me…he started then sliped his dick in for two intense hours we stayed in the water frolicking and shagging untill he came thaen we stoped i told he to get dry and reload as i walked to the showas hew soon joined me he had me against the wall thrusting himself in me as i screamed in joy…..he kissed me all ova he fingered me agen then i gave him a blow job he made a rush of exitememnt go frogh me when he tuched my body …..i got dryed and finally got dressed but then he brought me my bikini and asked me where i was goin i sed home he sed no and had me two more tymes in the changing room….b4 we got changed …..we were in the pool for 6 hours in totall and sinse we have done it 8 times in the pool 5 in the showa 3 in the changing room 2 in his office 2 on the bus and 10 tymes in the park and 16 in my room and 15 in his 2 in my mums room 4 in his mum and dads room……which is 64 glorious setions in 3 months hardly a few days gone by b4 we do it agen. he is one hunky sex god with one enormous cock……that deos me hard constantly……….but then we broke up but still have an ocational shag 4 fun,,,,,,,hes my best sex buddy eva!!!

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