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Taking my best friends Girl( love story)

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: Erin,bed For her
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

This is a love story I love my best friend. Not a gay story for those who care.I’m twenty two and my real name is Mark. I have been sexually active since I was sixteen . My first sexual experience was with very experienced twenty year old massage therapist. She barely spoke English but we didn’t  talk much.  With that single all night practice from her I gained some confidence . Then I talked my girlfriend in to loosing her virginity . It was real easy for us she wasn’t tight and she had no pain. In four days we had sex a dozen times . She thanked me for the practice but it was lust not love and we drifted apart .  There were a couple of one night stands when I was on vacation in Florida , but they were nothing special college girls cheating on their boyfriends. Then the call came from Erin. She was my best friends girl and she was talking about her plans to begin having sex with my best friend. Erin was worried because he was always full go and never took his time doing anything. She was right that’s how he is. So go for it and expect him to be himself. Well she was scared and admitted she was a virgin. I explained I thought it was no big deal . She expected that getting her cherry broke was not going to be a picnic. She would love to have him be the one to do it. BUT She had let him think she was experienced and they had even made fun of other girls who were virgins. The thing he hates the most and he has told everyone is a liar. She said she thought he was the one she wanted to marry and her dishonesty was going to cost her this relationship. What if I’m really bad in bed. He will know for sure. We are both off this weekend and that only gives me two days. She asked me to help her. So you want me to give you this experience ? You are out of your mind! How will I face my best friend? He has never asked me who I slept with, it could of been you for all he knows. Come on Mark , Have you ever told him how many girls you have bagged? She made it sound like I was putting trophies on my wall. No we only talked about my first time. Please ! Please! Help me I’m running out of time. I said I would do it and I walked to the post office ,dropped mail and felt like a real idiot for saying yes. I called her cell and arranged to meet at her place. She gave me books and our cover was I was helping her study. I had known her parents a long time and I chatted with them holding the study books under my arm while Erin went to her bed room. When I arrived up stairs I asked Erin if her parents knew anything . Yea Mom knows I want to make love to my boyfriend but thats all. If the bed is squeaking real loud they will have respect and not come in. When I looked up she peeked her head out of the closet just kidding ! Lock the door. She came out of the closet wearing  a red sheer sexy thing with red almost thong bottom . She twirled and and it showed her well. Do you think he’ll like it? Wait and she disappeared  and came out wearing white silky toga that had lots of cling showing her round tits.  like a sash it was only over one shoulder.  There is a snap under this buckle thing up here and when I pop it everything falls softly to the floor. She asked me to watch and she unsnapped it and it didn’t do anything. Her mother knocked on the door and Erin raced to open the door and I quickly opened the study book. Here is your laundry honey . Startled she looked up at her daughter in the sexy clothes, your not dating my daughter? No Mam, Erin was asking my opinion as a man . Well I more expected her to hold it up on a hanger said her Mom .  So I guess we both want your opinion now. I think my best friend will like the sheer red outfit better. Personaly I like this white silky outfit better. Erin posed like Vanna White and the snap finally released on it’s own and everything fell to the floor suprising all three of us. Erin ran to the closet and her Mother and I smiled and we still laugh about it today. 
     Her dresser is right there . She said as she dropped the hamper of folded clothes . Your a grown boy , figure it out. I put down the study book and put her things away. Erin said from the closet I’m so embarrassed . Erin’s Mom put her head back in the door, I know she is still in the closet . A quick kiss on my cheek and a hug as she placed a three condom pack in my shirt pocket. And whispered so Erin couldn’t hear, these were mine but at my age we don’t need these any more . There are more in the drawer by my bed. My husband and I are going out. So they left.
I walked in the closet and took Erin by the hand . She was my schoolmate  for years ,not a pretty face but a nice face and cute. Not a knockout body but firm and slightly skinny body. Her hips were small but her tits were wide firm and they didn’t stand out much. My best friend describes them as the butt end of a cantaloupe . She had very small pink nipples  . My lust was saying yes as my cock hardened in my pants , my internal fear meter was saying . Leave her and run away. Right away I noticed her ribs were visible. She was in good shape and had a six pack and flat tummy.  I was thinking that I would not want my best friend on my girlfriend. If I had one. I felt both awkward and guilty as I kissed Erin on the lips. I pulled the three pack of condoms out of my pocket and gave them to her.  I wanted to respect my best friend and help Cover Erin’s lie . Not able to do both I decided to fix Erin’s virginity problem.  Where did these come from, ?never saw this brand or package before said Erin as she unscrewed the plastic cap and pulled out a lubricated condom . Me neither must be new . Look three in the same package. Erin rolled the cold wet latex on me . Now down to business she said as she reclined there. Your virgin student is ready. Rubbing her legs and parting her wings reveled Erin’s virgin pussy complete with membrane. This was my last chance to back out . My mind said dont touch your best friends girl. I was thinking with my balls not my brains and reached forward to Erin’s shaved pussy she was holding open for me.  Fingering the membrane made Erin flinch some. She quickly grabbed my fingers then released saying sorry. Erin  You want to save it for him. Yes ! But now I cant.  I’m so sorry I lied.   This is a thick membrane Erin want me to break it with my fingers? Yep I’m ready. This is how the deed was done.  I just pushed my finger in the hole and then pulled down towards her anus  Now that both my index fingers could fit  I pulled to both sides slowly and kept changing direction and the thick membrane  tore in many places right before my eyes. I had the box of tissue close to clean up the little blood that their was.   Erin’s vagina was now open for business. She reached and felt in her vagina. I pushed on her tummy and she felt her cervix. The secret I told her is learning to hug with the muscles inside you. With her fingers and one of mine in her she found she could contract some.  Erin was now excited to get started .The latex condom was only half wet now as I placed it between her wings working it in real slow.  Thank you Mark ! I wont forget this.  Plenty wet now in her  vagina I kept thinking about my best friend.  Erin’s schooling was now in session we practiced mounting and different positions and how sometimes she should guide the penis. We laughed and I tried to teach her the best things . I told her what I liked and explained everyone is different. Some where in the act of love ,things were feeling better . My condom had torn and I was ridding bareback so I pulled out changed condoms and that too broke also in a few minutes . Now on my third condom  , Erin tells  her motor is revving and she wants to try to orgasm. I explained what is needed and she says will you shut up , I’m  in the mood. We got serious and the bed was squeaking . This condom broke and I told  Erin I have condoms in my Jean pockets.  She put her hand over my mouth. Ten minutes of squeaking the bed hard as she could I felt she was about to have her first orgasm. I was thinking I would  just hold back for a while and pull out when needed. It was my first time with out a condom and it was fantastic . Proud of my control ability , I felt I could hold back my climax    Two or three times while my partners would climax ,I could slow my pace then go to the verge of climax and hold back as they climaxed agin. This was one of the first things I was taught by the massage therapist . But I was wearing a condom then and the sensitivity is now at a escalated level. Well Erin reached climax and she tightened and held me and groaned and I held my sperm back and she was going in to a resolution phase and I recovered my control and slowed my pace, knowing I was Very close to making the big mistake . I pulled out and grabbed a condom I had brought in my jeans. Erin opened the foil package with her teeth and rolled it on . This is a better condom she said . Where on earth did you get those others . I said her Mom put them in my pocket. Those are older than me.  Mom had her tubes tied when I was born. Oh my gosh no wonder they broke. I did Erin doggy for twenty minutes , this does nothing for me she said. See everyone is different I told her. We switched back to missionary and I taught her how to roll on top with out loosing the penis. Well it took a while and  I fell on the floor once but we got it right and switched her on top then me on top many times and my penis never came out. Erin got up and  said I can’t wait for this weekend. I told her I need to climax so I can go home. Your kidding ! right said Erin we have been at this two hours and my puss is sore as can be. You haven’t shot your load yet. I have been holding back and now my balls hurt so its you or I have to do it my self. Besides I can make you orgasm one more time. Fine one final lesson. She walked to the toilet and she pissed and I saw her with the compact mirror looking things over. She said Mark I have some friends and your a great guy I want to see you happy. She Fumbled with the condom foil  and rolled the condom on me . She sucked and then mounted my penis. We started slow and she kept saying I’m going to make love all weekend I cant wait. I filled that condom and Erin could feel me relax . There you go she said.  

A week later my best friend and I were driving to a football game . Out of nowhere he said Erin is the best fucking lay I have ever had. Man she could teach you some things Mark. I’m happy for you . Are you going to marry her? Maybe I will. 
Three years later Erin calls me . Mark I want to get married and I want a baby . He isn’t serious and we never use protection and I think he can’t do it. Can you service me? You two look so much alike. It had been a year since my last date and maybe longer since I hooked up. So I agreed and started hooking up when she was fertile. It took three months of Erin cheating to get her knocked up.  She was so happy . My best friend looked terrible and confessed he was a carrier for a genetic disease . He had a chemical vasectomy to reduce his sperm count, when he was a young teen. I can’t believe Erin is pregnant what am I to do . My sperm count is so low I never thought she could get pregnant. My baby will have many problems and die a terrible death. I grabbed him and said you should of told me. Not telling me or Erin is wrong. Because we love you we made you a baby. I called Erin and we confessed everything we ever did. I felt a load lift off me. My best friend cussed me out then took a walk and came back later looking at Erin and I in the living room. We were miserable and felt low as dirt. You dont love her do you? I like her but ,no I dont love her. And you? he was speaking to Erin. I only kissed Mark once and it was so wrong we never did it agin. From the bellybutton down he is a great guy. Your a great fuck and she patted her still flat tummy here is the proof.
He forgave us and is still my best friend . He married Erin and their son is absolutely beautiful.

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