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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: at his housee
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

Well im Talaja’ && im 16 years old but my first timee (idnt really count it , to meh im still a virgin but yu decide . . .] takes place when iwas 15 . The boy’s name was Mike && we had been messinq around since 6th grade but in 7th he started dating my bestfriend but when they broke up we started messing back around . But anyways , it first started at my cousin’s baby mama’s house on my birthday . . . iwas having a sleepover && meh && my friends invited Mike && his friends . Mike had qave meh my first kiss && my first hicky so we decided to go in the room , ilayed on the bed and he got on top off meh && started kissing meh && then asked if he could “hit” so isaid yeah but when he put on the condom idecided that ididnt want tah do it so he qot madd && ended up leavinq . On monday when we got back to school one of his friends told everybody that we were in the room tahqether && of course idenied it . We continued to sneak around .Then like 2 months later him && his friend asked if they could come get me && my cousin daja . ilied && said daj’s mama was coming to ett us && take us to her house (her mama dosent care wat she does so iled to my family] && they picked us up a block away from my house but by then we had picked up a 3rd grl named byrd . Anyways they took us riding around for a little while then we went back to the boy mikes house but when we got there a whole lotta boys iknew were there && iwas embarrassed to qet out (plus a boy iwas tlkin to was there] Mike tlked meh out the car so we went straight to the room && he wasted no time taking my clothes off . imade him make it super dark because ididnt want him to see my body . He went straight to trying to push his dick in . iT HURT likEE HEll ! ! ! icouldnt takee it so ipushed him off . we tryed aqain but still it hurt so he tryed fingering meh which didnt hurt but ihad decided that ididnt want to try anymore but he said if iloved him iwould && isaid if yu loved meh we dnt have to do it but he tryed anyways which made meh madd because the 3rd time after he promised to take it out if it hurted he didint && he was jus pushing in even though isaid stop . So when ifinally qot him off iput my clothes back on . By that time daja & mikes friend had came in dah room and qot on the other bed but she was a lil freak jaint so she had sex with mikes friend . While in the room they told her tlk tah meh cus iwas “trippin” she told meh do it but isaid no cus it hurted then she told him dnt act like he aint stronq so he pulled my clothes back off and we were fighting he put my panties in his pocket so icouldnt qet them so ijus put my pants on && went to the bathroom when ilooked at my phone the boy who itlked to that was there had texted meh and said “yu havinq fun” which madd meh feel SUPER LOW ! && my boyfriend who ihad jus seen a couple hours aqo (yes idid have a bf] but after that we asked could they take us to daja’s house cus thats were isaid iwas (the deal was he would take us there] but he was madd cus ididnt let him have sex with meh so he said he wasnt taking us WOW ! The 3rd qrl byrd who was in the livinq room smokin weed wit dah other boys actually had to stop a stranger who turned out to be a stripper && qave us a ride . When iqot to dasja’s housee inoticed ihad blood on my pants . && daja told meh that while iwas in the bathroom mike was like fahqet meh && her && him should do it . the next day mike called meh && ibucked on him && hung up . Boys are so triflen ! Uqh ! But 6 months later itold my bestfriend && she was a little madd but she qot over it && we are still bestfriends til dis day && she has a beautiful baby boy && im her son’s qodmother . Its now been over a year since that timee && ihavent tryed to have sex since .

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