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Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: School dance
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Hi, im matt but my friends call me hasty. It all started in eighth grade and i had had a crush on this girl for like a year and she knew that i liked her because she was always trying to make me jelous by making out with other guys. This pissed me off so bad. Sometimes it made me so sad that i cryed myself to sleep. One night though she came with her bf bodies was use to it so i just looked away and stuff. But then i found out he was high and went to go find him. When i finaly did he was beating her. As soon as i saw this i sprung into action and beat the shit out of him. It was quite easy as i an the strongest guy in our grade-and when it was over she invited me to a dance. Then she sent mea text saying to meet her in the girls bathroom. So i went-when i got their she was completely naked. She just said that it was a thank you present then we had crazy sex. Since then we have been going out for six months and i have been getting laid ever since then.

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