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Teacher’s Pet Gets Caught

Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: Classroom/Ling Room Loung Chair
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

This happened when I was 18 and a Senior in high school. I was taking Spanish I and had the most handsome teacher in all the world. His Father was from Mexico and his Mother was from the U.S. He spoke the language perfectly.I should mention that he was fresh out of college and this was his first teaching assignment.

From the day I walked into his class there was a certain spontaneous magnetism between us. I do have a great body which I don’t mind showing off, and he noticed it right away. After about a month, he asked me to stay after class to discuss a “project” he wanted me to do. After everyone had left, he walked over and locked the classroom door and then turned and kissed me hard on the mouth. I was a little startled at this bold approach, but it felt good being hugged and kissed by this perfect piece of manhood, and I reciprocated his kisses and pushed my body into his. He asked me if I’d ever had sex before and I told him no, which was the truth. I’d come pretty close a couple of times before but had always stopped.

That afternoon, we had sex right there in the classroom on his desk. It wass not real comfortable, but I loved every minute of it. He was very gentle with me and took my virginity with great charm and technique.

We saw each other outside the classroom a few times after that. We were very discreet so as not to be seen together by anyone around school, because it was strictly against the rules for teachers and students to fraternize.

One evening, my parents were going to be gone to a party which I knew was going to last quite late, so I asked him to come over to our house around 8:00 P.M. after they had left. We watched TV, made out on the couch and by the time 10:00 P.M. rolled around we both had our clothes off and he was fucking me there in the lounge chair of our living room. We really got carried away and were not paying much attention other than to ourselves. Unbeknown to us, my parents had returned around 11:00 P.M. and had driven in the garage and had entered the house.They must have been very quiet because neither of us heard them. When they came into the living room, they were shocked to see us coupled together in the lounge chair, making beautiful love to each other.I was screaming: “Please Rolando, fuck me harder, harder!”

Well, to make a long story short, they were very angry and were going to report him to the school principal and the authorities. I begged them not to, however, and told them I loved him, despite the slight difference in our ages
(He was 25). We talked and talked that evening, and finally they agreed that it would be best if the whole story didn’t get out, as it would cause us all embarrasment, and, after all,we were both “of age” and had done this with mutual consent.

We are getting married two weeks from now. And then I will have this Spanish teacher all to myself — I hope!

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience