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Teaching grandkids how to practice making babies

Age when it happend: 30
Where it happened: In Michigan
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Im a bachlor have been all my life I live with my sister whom I started fucking when she was 6 and I was 8 cause my friend who was 2 years older than me showed me how much fun it is When he traded my sister his candied apple if she would let him fuck her, only he didn’t say fuck he just asked her to lay down and take off her panties and let him put his prick inside her, my sister nor me had ever had a candy apple so she agreed after just one sample bite to let me and Ralph fuck her and she liked being fucked so much that she continued to let us fuck her anytime we wanted which was everyday from then on until Ralph moved away. She shacked up with a couple guys and got pregnant and Then I moved in with her we been together ever since.
We sleep together and she lets me fuck her every night, she is a good fuck. She still have a good figure is only 125 lbs and has a nice ass and tight cunt. I came to live with her and helped to raise her kids twins, a boy and girl at the age of 10, they asked me questions about where babies come from, so when they come out from the bath I ask them if they have explored each others bodies before and they said no, I tell Tina to lay here on her side and Terry lay here face Tina with your feet opposite. Now Terry reach between Tina’s thighs feel her slit until your finger slips inside her, Tina you take Terry’s Penis in your mouth and suck it. My finger is inside uncle what now, If its slippery turn over and get on top of Tina put your penis in where your finger was. Now pull it out but not all the way then shove it right back in, Tina said this feels stange but good Uncle, Terry said he liked it to. Ok when a man and woman want to have kids this is what they do, but you kids are to young to have kids so you can practice making a baby. You go to bed now your Mom is home she we will be up shortly to kiss you good night. My sis came in and I tell her that the kids are practicing to make a baby, and she said she want to watch make sure they are doing it right. Well when she came into the room Terry is on top of Tina fucking her as fast as he can, momma say’s looks like you are doing it good, Let me show you another fun way. Tina get on the floor on your hands and knees Terry Mount her from behind like the dog,
Terry don’t quite do it right so Momma called to the dog, Buster, Buster came in sniffed at sis who undresses and gets down on the floor dog buster mounts sis from behind and fucks her, Then Terry get the idea and doggy mounts Tina
and humps away just like the dog is doing momma. I likes to see the dog fuck her it turns me on. When buster get done, I jump on and fuck her hard as the kids watch. Tina say’s momma can Buster do me too, Momma says I don’t think that would be a good idea right now, maybe when You get older cause bUster might hurt you. I’ll let uncle do you and strech you out a little bit bigger then maybe I’ll let buster do you some time ok sweety. Thank you Uncle and thank you mommy.. I finish unloadin my cumm in my sis and move over to Tina Get up in the bed Tina and put your ass on the edge, I step up behind Tina put my cock up to her tiny cunty lips Im still slippery from my sis’s, cumm, Only just the tip will go in Tina baby we will have to wait a little longer Im to big it won’t fit in you, But Uncle I like it; It feels good I feel so full push it a harder I know I can strech out and take it please try, ok I push a little and hold onto Tina hips and it goes in only another inch, so I pull out and back in and just give her a two inch cock fuck, it is so tight it feels like a vise squeezing my cock, I finally start to cumm and this pleases Tina so much she is thanking me all the while and beging me to try the next day…. End of this story. Part two is Tina and Terry’s continued education

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