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Ted, My Tennis Coach

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: Back of an SUV
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

I’m a high school junior here in a small town in Wisconsin. Ted is the coach for the girls’ tennis team. And he’s a real hunk. About 34 or 35, I’d guess.

One day after tennis practice, he asked me if I did any baby-sitting. I told him I did do some, and he then asked me if I’d baby-sit for him and his wife the following Saturday night while they went out to a party they had been invited to. I agreed, and he said he’d pick me up and take me home, because I lived several miles from their house.

When I got to their house, I found that they had a little boy, age 4, and also saw that his wife was pregnant. She was huge. She told me she was about 7 months along.

The evening of baby-sitting was uneventful. The little boy slept well, and I watched TV. Ted and his wife came home, close to midnight, and she paid me, and then I went out to their SUV in the driveway so he could drive me home.

On the way home, Ted and I talked about a lot of different things, and eventually we got to talking about his pregnant wife. Surprisingly he told me he loved his wife very much, but that it was very tough for him right now with her so far along in her pregnancy, because he wasn’t able to have sex regularly as he was used to. Then, much to my surprise he asked me if I’d ever had sex before. I told him I had not, although I’d fooled around a bit with a couple of high school guys. Ted then asked me if I’d ever considered having sex with someone like him. To be truthful about it, when I was in his class, and he was showing me some of the techniques to use, I had wondered what it would be like with someone like him, but I’d never dreamed I’d have the opportunity.

Well, to cut to the chase, as they say, after we had arrived at my house and we were parked in the driveway, he leaned over in the bench seat, put his arm around me and pulled me to his lips and began kissing me passionately. He also was fondling my breasts through my sweater, and told me how beautiful he thought I was, and how he just couldn’t help himself, and how he wanted to make love to me.

After several minutes of making out there in the front seat,he told me that he just dying to have sex, and that if I’d let him make love to me, he’d be very careful, and promised not to make me pregnant. I was finding it hard to resist this wonderful man, and as I moved my hand to his groin, I felt his firm manhood inside his pants, just begging to be released. So, very quietly, so as not to wake my parents who were inside our home, we moved to the rear of his SUV, where there was some padding and a blanket, and after removing our clothes, he gave me a condom to roll over his erect penis, and he entered me quickly. It was a little difficult at first, but after a few thrusts, he was deep within me, and i found myself being fucked by this gorgeous married man who was also my tennis coach. I had never felt anytghing like this in all my life, but it was simply wonderful. He made passionate love to me, kissing me all over my body, and whispering things in my ear that probably only his wife had ever heard before. We must have fucked there in that SUV for a half hour or more, and my moans became louder and louder, but we didn’t wake up my parents.The warmth of that rubber filled with his semen, deep in my vagina made me tremble all over, and I, too, had two great orgasms. Ted had wonderful technique and used his body as a wonderful love machine entwined with mine.

When we were finished, we dressed and he thanked me for giving myself to him when he really needed it.I kissed him good night and went in to go to bed. I dreamt of the experience all night.

All this took place about 8 weeks ago. Ted’s wife is set to deliver their child any day now. But since that first night together, Ted has needed more sex, and so I have been happy to give it to him — at least 6 times since — at school in the locker room, on the outskirts of town in the back of his SUV again, and once in his kitchen, when he wife was visiting the doctor.

I know it will end once she has had the baby, but until then, I am happy to have Ted’s manhood inside my body, teaching me how to become a real woman.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience