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Teddy Bear

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: My boyfriend's house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

I got into a really huge fight with my stepfather that night. You know the ones I’m talking about, the ones that end in “I hate you” and “Get the fuck outta my house”. I ran out and walked across our small town, heading for my boyfriend Robert’s house. We had been seeing each other for about five months at this point, and he was the one I ran to when shit like this happened. We had never really gone anywhere sexually, I was very shy in that respect back then. When I got to his house, his father answered the door and informed me that he was down at his friend Clayton’s house. I went down there (it was only a couple of blocks away) and knocked on Clayton’s door. When Robert came out, he saw that I had been crying and immediately told Clayton that he would get in touch with him later. We walked back to his trailer, and he stopped me on the front porch. It was about nine in the evening and he didn’t know if his father would want me there or not, considering I had just ran away from home and I was so young. Robert was seventeen and his dad didn’t want him to get into any trouble with me. He told me to wait there and he would go get some blankets and candles out of the house. When he came back, he led me across the yard and to the old trailer that served as him and his father’s shop. We went in and made our way past the power tools and into the basically empty back bedroom. There was only a shelf against the wall and spare lumber propped randomly against the walls. He laid the blanket down on the floor and set the candles on the shelf, lighting them and creating a glow in the room. He went into the other room and turned on the radio. I remember Usher’s “My Way” being on. He came back in and sat down with me, and we just talked for a little while. He suddenly leaned over and kissed me deeply, looking at me in a way he never had before. When one of his hands wandered under my shirt I didn’t object. I had never let him do this before and all of the sensations he was causing were new and intoxicating to me. I let him slip my shirt over my head and I was left sitting there in my bra and jeans (we had lost the shoes awhile ago). I asked him to take off his shirt and he did…allowing me to see his bare chest for the first time. It was covered in the softest but thickest hair I’ve ever felt in my entire life. He was a virgin too, but I think he had gone farther than I ever had. He asked me if I would have a problem with taking my bra off. I did what he wanted and he just sat there for a moment, the candle light reflected in his eyes. He told me that I was as beautiful as a fallen angel, and he started to kiss my chest, sucking on my nipples and making me wetter than I’d ever been. We fooled around like that for a long time before he got up and told me we had better go in the house before his dad got pissed off because we were out there. I put on my jacket over my bare chest and we went into the house and straight to his room. I borrowed a pair of boxers from him and sat on his bed as he relit all the candles in his room. He came over to me and ran his fingers through my hair, kissing me gently as he laid me down on the bed. He eased my boxers off as well as his own and suddenly we were both naked. I told him I was afraid, and he told me that he wouldn’t hurt me. He put a condom on and gently entered me. I was so wet at this point that he didn’t have any trouble. I felt my cherry pop as he entered me and it was an aching pain for a few seconds before it started to feel really good. He pumped inside me for a minute before he came at the same instant I did. All in all, it wasn’t a very long experience but we had many after that! As a matter of fact…I’m still in love with him as much now as I was then. Unfortunately, life took us seperate ways…maybe we’ll meet again someday.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience