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telephone sex

Age when it happend: 27
Where it happened: at her house
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 7
Category: Straight

This one qualifies as a first time, although it wasn’t my first time with sex. It was my first time with a couple of things. First, it was the first time I’d ever had sex with someone I’d just met. Second, it was the first time I’d ever… Well, just read and find out!

It was the sort of hot summer night that made one restless. The heat hung in the air, unmoved by breezes of any kind, until oneÆs skin glistened with sweat and oneÆs humidity laden clothes hung on oneÆs frame like damp wash drying on a clothesline. After tossing and turning in the sweltering heat trying to find sleep until about midnight, I finally got dressed and walked to the neighborhood tavern to take advantage of their air conditioning and finish up the evening with a couple of cold beers. Soon, I was settled into a booth by myself, nursing a beer and reading a novel, a pastime I had acquired since I had moved into my own apartment after the separation.

Although it seemed like only minutes, the next sound that I was aware of was the bartenderÆs announcement of ôlast call for alcohol!ö That brought me back from the battle being fought in the novel to the reality that it was getting close to closing time and that my beer glass was empty. I moved to the bar to order another beer. As I was waiting for the bartenderÆs attention to be turned to me, I noticed a pretty blonde woman about my own age sitting at a table nearby with a nearly empty beer glass. The place was not crowded, so it didnÆt take long for me to assess the situation: She was alone, and had probably been motivated to seek refuge from the heat in the same manner I had. I took a chance, and leaned toward her to ask, ôDo you want to split a pitcher with me?ö

I would not have been surprised if she had brushed me off, swallowed her last sip and left the bar at that point. But I was elated when she nodded her head and said, ôSure. Great!ö I brought the pitcher to her table, retrieved my novel and joined her. I poured two mugs of beer from the pitcher and we introduced ourselves with first names. I was right; she had been driven out of her duplex by the heat. We talked about the heat wave and some of the local area nightlife and activities for singles as we soaked up the beer. She was pleasantly interesting, her blue eyes sparkled and her smooth white skin seemed to invite a touch. Not wanting this chance encounter to end at 2 a.m., I asked her for her telephone number.

To my disappointment, she told me that she wouldnÆt give me a telephone number because she was living with a fellow who wouldnÆt be happy if she had male friends calling her. But then she followed that disclosure with the revelation that her boyfriend was out of town for the weekend. She asked me if IÆd like to come over to her place after we finished the pitcher, to ôvisitö for awhile. Of course, I knew what she was proposing, and of course, I accepted her offer. As she drove me to her home and the anticipation of what lay ahead built, the atmosphere became charged with sexuality. We both began touching one another, holding hands, running fingers over forearms and thighs; the sort of touching that can be done while one person is driving a car with bucket seats.

When we were barely inside her duplex, all pretense of ôvisitingö was discarded with our clothes on the living room floor. The stroking touches that had begun in the car were now expanded to include our entire bodies. I sank to my knees in front of her and applied soft kisses to her belly and gentle probes with my fingers and thumbs to her pussy. She spread her legs apart to allow easy access, and stroked my hair, my face, my neck as my stroking made her shiver with sexual joy when I found her clit. I inserted a finger into her love nest to massage her G-spot, which got her hips swaying and her juices flowing!

I had never come to such a quick mutual understanding of sexual needs with a stranger before, and my mind was reeling! WerenÆt we supposed to talk for awhile? ShouldnÆt we know one another better? ShouldnÆt there be a ôrelationship?ö I stood up, and the two of us embraced, sweat glistening on our naked bodies, as I made some attempt to ôget to know her betterö before progressing. If this was going to be our one and only opportunity, I wanted to memorize the details of her body. She was shorter than I am by perhaps 10 or 12 inches, and not carrying any extra weight. Her breasts were small, perhaps B cups, and had not yet begun to show any middle age sagging. Her hips flared a bit, the result (I discovered later) of having given birth to a son. I noticed only a slight paunch, which I attributed to having shared the pitcher of beer with me earlier. She had deliciously clear, soft skin, and her pussy hair was light brown, almost as blonde as the hair on her head.

She broke my concentration at that point by gently gripping my erection and using it as a handle to lead me into her bedroom. She was a woman of action, and it seems we had engaged in quite enough foreplay to satisfy her. In bed, she lay back on her back and pulled me toward her. She spread her legs and put her arms above her head in a posture of expectant submission. I knew she was anything but submissive, though; she was totally in control and doing what she wanted at this point.

I was anxious to please! I positioned myself above her and held myself up above her so that only my hard cock was touching her belly and pussy hair. She wrapped her legs around mine and pulled her groin up off the bed to my hips. She raised her arms around my neck and back, stroking and petting as she explored. I could tell that she appreciated my muscles; as I held my pose above her with my muscles flexed, she explored them with her own legs and arms.

Soon, we had to move on to penetration. We both relaxed a bit, her butt falling back onto the bed and me ending up on my knees. She reached between us and grasped my cock with one hand and spread her pussy lips with the other and brought us together. We joined together in the most delicious fuck I had had in my life up to that point! She knew what she wanted and took full measure; even though I had been married I had never known this sort of sexual passion in a woman before. I was proud of myself to have been able to satisfy such a womanÆs cravings so well.

Afterward, I began gathering my things to get dressed and walk home, but she stopped me. She told me that it was way too late and that sheÆd drive me home in the morning if IÆd sleep with her the rest of the night. Spent and tired, I was not going to resist her invitation. It must have been about 3 a.m. when we finally dozed off to sleep in each othersÆ arms.

The next sound I heard was a telephoneÆs ringing. I was groggy, as it was only about 7 a.m. She answered the phone and it was soon obvious from listening to her half of the conversation that she was talking with her boyfriend. He was about 200 miles away, on his way home. They were chatting about mundane things in their lives, how the trip went, how his motorcycle was performing, and so on. She turned to me to make a face with a finger over her lips as if to tell me not to make a sound. Of course, I knew I shouldnÆt, so it was unnecessary. But we had slept without sheets, so when she turned to look at me her eyes were greeted with a view of my ômorning erection.ö While still talking on the phone, she made another face, this time running her tongue over her lips in a lustful, hungry manner. Holding the phone to her ear and continuing to chat, she reached out with her free hand and started stroking my hardon! Soon, she was too excited for simple stroking. She got up on her knees and sat astride me, and while still talking on the phone, inserted my cock into her slippery hole!

I couldnÆt believe it! I had to lie quietly while she talked with her boyfriend and rode my love barometer! It was quite an experience! I began to move and gyrate to make sure she was enjoying herself, and I could tell that she was. She was stifling her urges to gasp and squeal and occasionally had to cover the mouthpiece with her hand as she took a deep breath. She also continued to make faces at me while she spoke on the phone, letting me know that I was providing her with great enjoyment. Finally, the telephone conversation was over, and she hung up the phone. I continued to thrust up inside her with deep powerful strokes. I could feel my hardon pounding against her cervix when I gushed another orgasm into her! Again we were both spent!

Well, thereÆs no more to the story than that. I got dressed, she drove me home. I only saw her a couple of times after that, once in a grocery store and another time in a parking lot. Both times, she was with someone, so we couldnÆt acknowledge each other. But it was a wild night of sex. And the morning fuck while she talked on the phone with her boyfriend was perhaps the most unusual sexual encounter IÆve ever had!

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