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Tender Instruction

Age when it happend: 12
Where it happened: Parents bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

Even though I had just turned 12, my parents still used a sitter as my brother was not quite 9. They had used her for about 3 years and Sarah was now a senior in high school. My parents had a chance to go to a golf tournament, so she was to spend Friday and Saturday nights with us. I did not like going to bed an hour after my brother and to get me to bed, she used to tell me she would scratch my back after I was in bed. This Friday night, we were watching t.v. on our tiny 12″ round screen b/w model and I wanted to stay up longer to watch the end of wrestling. After some discussion, Sarah said I could get my pajamas on and come back for awhile. We were laying in the dark living room watching and she was telling me it was all fake and I just couldn’t believe that. She said that wrestling was easy and anyone could do it. One thing led to another and we were soon grappling and rolling all over the living room floor. I being a boy didn’t want her to get the best of me even though she was an inch taller weighed a little more. Anyway, very soon we were both hot and sweaty and Sarah asked me if I would give up. I said no and she started to tickle me. I was laughing and soon started to tickle her back. Up to this point,I had no thoughts of anything sexual but the feeling of her body on top of me and mine on top of her started strange functions within my body. Sarah stopped tickling me and said “ok, I give up and it’s time for bed”. I still wanted to stay up and my mind was no longer on wrestling. Sarah said if I would get in bed she would still scratch my back. I said ok and went to the bathroom to pee and brush my teeth. When I was in bed, Sarah came in and turned out the lights and told me to roll over on my belly. She began to scratch and rub my back but now her hands were under my pajama top which had never occured before. I was beginning to really tingle all over and I never wanted her to stop. Sarah told me to roll over and she continued to rub my chest and open up my pajama tops. Slowly she moved her hands down to my now tense stomach muscles. She kept moving her fingernails over my stomach and began to go lower, slowly pulling my pajama bottoms down until she reached my sparse pubic hair. I realized that I had an erection and started to shake, I was so excited. She asked me if I liked the backrub as she let the palm of her hand rest on my now engorged penis. I stammered a yes. And she bent down and kissed my stomach. She asked me if I could share a special secret and I said yes. She said if I promised I would never tell she would show me other secrets. I promised and she took my hand and placed it under her sweater on her breast. She said “girls like this, do you want to learn how”? I managed to say yes and she took my hand and led me in the dark to my parents room. She told me to stand there while she fixed the bed and I could see she was taking off her clothes by the light comming through the window. After she had pulled the covers back she took off my pajama tops and bottoms and pulled me close to her on the bed. Again she made me promise to never tell and she would show me her secrets. I had seen little girl’s pubic area before playing “doctor” but I had never seen a naked grown woman. She moved me over to her breast and said “just lick me here” I did as she said and felt her nipple become erect under my tongue. She took my hand and placed it on her vagina and moved my fingers inside her saying “Now, just move your finger back and forth here” I was in absolute heaven, afraid and yet really excited. My penis, as hard as it was now became larger as she gently stroked it with her hand. She also began to kiss me on the lips in a way I had never experienced. It was all so new and I cannot describe the state I was in. Sarah’s breathing became heavier and she asked if I wanted to try “special secrets”. Before I could say anything, she slid under me and inserted my penis into her soft-wet-hot womanhood. She began to move my body in and out of her while at the same time moving her hips in a small circle. This went on for what seemed like a long time but was probably only 6 or 7 minutes. Suddenly, I felt a sensation of electricity behind my testicles and moving to my young manhood as I began my first ejaculation. As I didnt know what was happening, I let out a groan as she began to make a crying sound. Her Vagina gripped me in a tight hold as her hips quickened their humping into me. Her arms were squeezing me very tightly and I could hardly breath. Gradually, she lessened her grip and began to relax. She gently wiped my sweaty forhead and asked me if I liked our secret. I stammered I that it was super and she said as long as I kept our secret, she would let me do it again. We ended up having sex four additional times that weekend and every time she came to sit with us. This did not last very long as she went away to college and my folks figured I was old enough to take care of my brother. I did not have sex for the next 4 years, until I got my drivers license but her education kept me very busy in high school, even in the 50’s.

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