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Thank God for Rain

Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: my house
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

i remember it like it was yesterday….I was going to our town fair to hangout and see some old friends…well i ran into an old friend named Jessica and her boyfriend’s sister named Nicole…the three of us hung out the whole day at the fair, later that day it started raining so me and Nicole went back to my house.

At my house we dried off and decided to take a bath together. She was a lil uncomfortable at first and so was i but we started kissing and she then started to move down to my cock. god did it feel amazing. i think we stayed in the bath tub for a good half hour just making out and then we moved to my room to again dry off and rejoin our friends again at the fair. but we ended up having sex in my bed again for another hour. it was so amazing

we dated for 3 weeks and every time we hung out all we did was fuck like crazy it was an amazing experience to start of my sex life.

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