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thank God for the water bed

Where it happened: his water bed
Langauge: English
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

This is the story of my first love and my first time. He was s older than me and a little more experenced. I had gotten my sex drive put into over drive at the age of 15, before then it was just kissing and tuching but with him it was different. I had meat him on a fall day the air was krisp and the wind was sharp. At the time he was going out with one of my friends, it was obviouse that they had had sex. I knew that they did not love each other thought and I also knew that she was going to brake up with him. So I asked if she could set us up if it was alright with her. She said that she was alredy dating someone else and she thought that I might be able to help him get over her (little did she know he did not need anyones help for that). Any way, she set us up and we went on our first date, he was wounderfull. He opened all the doors pulled out my chair and unfolded my napkin for me. We dated for around three months before he even made a move, I was getting very frusterated and I relly did want to do somthing, but he refused to go farther than kissing and holding each other. Finaly after a year and a half with the makeout sessions getting more intense each time we saw each other. One day he called me and asked if I would like to come over for a date, I said shure and asked my mom to drop me off at his house. As I entered the house I noticed that there were candles evrey where and the strong smell of roses, I called out his name and he replied that he was up stairs in his room. I climed the stairs with my hart pounding. When I reached the room I saw that he had candles and insents evreywhere very romantic. he asked me if I still wanted to make love with him, I said yes and he asked me if I was on the pill, I said no and he said that that was alright that he had condoms, and other suplyes. I laid down on his waterbed and pulled off my shirt. I could feal the ripples of watter move under me as he climed onto the bed. he laid next to me and told me that he loved me then he nibbled on my ear, my neck, betwen my brests, and kept on going till he was righ above my vagina. I could feal the throbing heat as I asked him to go further down beging pleeding and finly pushing him down, he just laughed at me and asked if it relly was my first time, I said yes. I could feal his hands couress my vagina and then his fingers plundge deep into me, it was wounderfull and I never thought that it could be better. And then he ate me for the longest time, deep and hard, absolute heven! I knew that he had stoped but my body still shook with the orgasem that he had given me, I heard the rip of the condom pouch and him sliding it on and putting spermaside on the tip and arond the seam, then he came into me, hard,fast and long, we had sex for three hours. using four diffrent posisions. thank God for orgasems. We had sex almost evry day for the next s till we broke up and even still when he is in town and when nither of us is dating we still get together. Jimmy if you are reading this I love you and look forword to seeing you next time you are in town.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience