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The AssistantPrincipal

Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: boy's gym/shower room
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I had just been named as the Valedictorian of our Senior Class, and my boyfriend of about two years, Don, was named Salutarian. We both got excellent grades and I think I only beat him out by a point or two. Anyway, we had been having sex with each other pretty regularly for well over a year — our first time having been in the girls’ gym/shower room just after a basketball game in which the girls team won a State Championship/ We celebrated that night!

The day Don and I were told of our selections,we decided to celebrate again, and he told me to meet him in the boys’ gym/shower room after school. No one would be there and we could have a nice warm shower together and have sex.

So, we met after school, got naked, as usual, and soaped each other up, kissed a lot, felt each others bodies, snuggled close together, and then started fucking. He had just come inside me twice, when all of a sudden, we saw the new Assistant Principal staring at us from across the room. Mr. Jensen was in his early 30s and was a nice looking young man.

Naturally, both Don an I were embarrassed at being discovered “in the act,” and so we turned off the water, and grabbed a couple of towels. Mr. Jensen told us both to meet him in his office after we got dressed.

Once there, we were lectured about the possibility (even probability) that we would be stripped of our positions at graduation, and might not be allowed to take part in the ceremonies at all. Don was then told to leave, while I was asked to stay. When we were alone together in his office, Mr. Jensen began to question me about my sexual activity in some detail. It was probably illegal, but I didn’t know anything at all about the law, nor did I really care. I just answered his questions. Finally, in the end, after about a half hour, he made it pretty clear to me that if I would have sex with him, the whole thing could be forgotten.

And so, that afternoon, I went to Mr. Jensen’s apartment, and, in his bedroom, pretended to make love to him in his bed. I must say, he had an extremely nice body, and when we finally fucked, it was extremely enjoyable. Comparing him to Don would not be fair, but I did enjoy it while it lasted. I made him use a condom. And he did. And he thanked me after we were finished.

Don and I never heard a word about it afterwards, and we continue our lovemaking on a regular basis — without condoms. We prefer it natural.

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