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The Banana Sexcapades

Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: banana plantation
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

It was a stormy night when my mother happened to run an errand for her. The streets were dark except a dim light shining my way to the store. It so happened that two prostitutes were banging alongside the banana plantation just beside the street. They were drunk, for I can see that they were wiggling around, trying to find the right path to their house. I asked them whether I can help them around to get fixing the problem of going back to their house. And suddenly, they pulled me along the banana plantation. They got me undressed, trying to tie me with the banana sheats. And so I got naked, helplessly calling for help but I cannot shout because of the temptation and the wetness begin dripping in the middle of my legs. My crotch began to swell. One prostitute sucked it hard… down, up, down, and up… until my cum splurted to her throat. I did not manage to kiss her, because of the fear of not liking the breath of the prostitute. After that, the other prostitute licked my whole body down to my balls. They squeezed the leftover cum until no juice was extracted no more. And then the other one rode to me… which was the reversed missionary position. While the other one was on top me, the other one was busy having a mouth-to-cunt exhibition. They moaned every after strike my 12-inch dick being mounted on hers. It took us about twenty minutes before arriving at the 7th heaven. So much cum was wasted again inside her crotch… dripping wet, so lusciouly decorated with her thin pubic hair. I got dressed… the rain was over. I run home… The next night, I was waiting again… but I somehow managed to take care of myself because I never found them again. Thanks for listening to my story.

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