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The Beach Girls

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: The Beach
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was just 14 when I firat had sex. My parents wanted to go to the beach and of course we did. So the first few nights were normal, going out to eat, swimming, ect. Well on the 4th day I met a super hot girl named that we’ll call “Anna”. She was 15 or 16 years old and we talking about where we were staying and I told her my room number and the hotel. She told me hers and I figured we’ed never talk again. I’m glad I was wrong. My parents were going to have an ‘adult dinner’ that night so I got the room to myself. Well at about 10 I hear someone knock on the door to see Anna and another girl that we’ll call “Carrie”. They asked if they cpuld come in and of course I said yeah. So Anna goes to the bathroom and Carrie and I go sit on the couch. We sit there about 5 minutes before I notice that Carrie has moved her hand to my pants. I ask what shes doing and she tells me that her and her boyfriend just brokeup and then she pulls me in and we start making out. Well after about 10 minutes of this she pulls away and asks if I want to help her really feel better. I say ok and she pulls me towards my room. “I want you to fuck me hard”, she told me and pulled my pants an boxers down. So now I’m standing naked in front of an amazingly hot girl and Anna walks in. She doesn’t ask how, she just gets on her knees and starts sucking my penis. Carrie watches for a while before she strips down and I get to fuck my first girl. It went on like this until 2 am, I fuck one of them, then the other would suck, and they’d makeout naked while I took pictures. I had sex 2 more times with Anna, 3 more times with Carrie, the second time was a three way with another girl named “Brooke”. When it was finally time to leave I got all of their numbers, Brooke is the one I’ve fucked the most though because she lives only an hour away. But Anna and Carrie always come when their bored, heartbroken, or want a good fucking. Its been 5 years since my time at the beach, but no one beats the beach girls.

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