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The best time

Where it happened: Bedroom
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

Okay, I thought this was the most best day of my life. My girlfreind was coming over to do some homework with me, I know this sounds like a gay movie or something but this is really what happend. My parents went out to dinner that night and they said they would of gotten back at like midnight or something and I was down with that. I was sweet i get to fool around my my baby. Fooling around to me at that age was like touching her boobs and kissing her. Nothing else. My parents were cool about having her over and everything, my parents and her parents called eachother and talked about it. they all agreeded and then hung up. I was down with that agreement. Parents went out the door and I got aphone call from somebody i loved and she was coming over. She comes in and we sat down on the couch and started to talk and ave some soda. We had one of those DEEP conversations and she said that her friend Jessica had sex a few days ago with some boy and they had made a bet a long time ago that my girlfriend (Erin0 would have sex before Jessica. Well she lost that bet, but she still wouldn’t of lost the sex part. She started coming on to me and started kissing me, i was aight with that, she said touch me, i started touching her and grabbing her. She said “NoNo” she grabbed my hand and said “Down Here” OMG did i pop a bonner. I was and i had like a 5 inch penis at taht time. it was that big and she was giggling and chuckling, she was aight with it. Gladley i was fine. She said ” want to have Sex” my eyes lit up like a christmas tree. I said no, i aint got no condom. She pulls out one of her dads, luckily i was ok with this and proceeded. She got naked first and then me. We walked up the stairs kissing and havingfun as teenagers. We got int he bed and she slid it on and off we went. I slid it in and omg it felt so good, the best damn sensation i have ever felt. She wanted me to go slow int he beggining then she said go a little faster and faster. After i cummed twice she cummed 3 times. I ate her out after the sex and then she gave me Head. We got dressed and she gave me a goodnight kiss and out the door she went with a smile on her face. -The End-

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience