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The Birthday Gift – 20 Years Ago

Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: Boyfriend's bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 4
Category: Straight

This happened 20 years ago. I had been going steady with my boyfriend, Ted, for about a year, and although we had engaged in some heavy petting, we had never really gone “all the way.” Ted kept begging me, every time we were together, until finally, about three weeks before his 18th birthday, I promised him that my birthday gift to him would be that we would have sex. There was a small party for him at his home that day (a Saturday) and several of his friends from school were over. It was sort of a swimming party in his backyard. After everyone had gone,around 8:00 P.M., we went up to his room to change out of our swim suits. His folks were still out by the pool. When we were alone in his room and had taken off our suits, I knelt down in front of him and started to kiss his penis all over — all 8″ of it. It came to life immediately, and I just kept kissing it until Ted begged me to “give me your gift.”. And then we laid on the bed and I did just that! He entered me without a problem and we began to fuck like a couple of rabbits in heat. Pretty soon his warm love lotion started to spurt inside me, and I just knew he was going to impregnate me. But it felt so good and I kept telling Ted how wonderful it was. And he kept fucking me until he was exhausted and collapsed over me. We laid there for nearly an hour and then dressed and went down to the pool again. His Mother mentioned we had been gone quite awhile, but we said nothing more. I think she knew, in her own mind, what we had been doing. Several weeks later I learned I was PG. 4 months later we got married, and today we have 3 children. Ted Jr. is now nearly 20. Katy is 18, and Karl is 16. Ted works in his Dad’s business, and I also work, at home, on my computer. We still have sex every day. Sometimes twice. It’s the greatest gift anyone can give or receive — Birthday or any other day.

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