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The bosses son

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: Dad's Office
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was at my dad’s job bringing him his lunch he left at home nd when i walked to the 8th floor were my dad worked it was pretty cool.I seen him nd told him he 4got his lunch and thanked me. Anyway he was in a rush for a meeting with his boss nd i was getting ready to leave when this 5’9, sexy, tan guy walked through the door. He said his name was David nd he was looking for my dad. I told him he ran off to a meeting so the guy walked in nd left a note on his desk. Like i said this guy was sexy so of course i didnt want him to leave..nor did i wanna leave. I started asking him question like whats your name, where ya from, nd do you have a
gf.He said he was from cali, nd he was single.We started talking more nd we began flirting. Minutes later we started to kiss nd his hands moved up my shirt. I wanted him to stop but i really wanted him to keep going. So i let him. I remembered we were in my dad’s office nd their were ppl on the outside of the room we were about to fuck in so i got up nd locked it. He smiled nd i cleared my dad’s desk nd laid on top of it. David got on top of me nd started kissing my neck. I could feel like big dick harding on my stomace! A waterfall started in my pants nd i just wanted him in me so bad! As if he read my mind he pulled off his clothes nd i got oh sooo hotter i ripped mines off.Gosh fuck me! I screamed.He pushed his hard rode in my pussy nd i screatched. He moved so sweet nd soft inside me then she started moving faster nd faster nd faster. I weeped. He pulled out (my pussy jucie dripping out) I got on my knees nd started sucking his rode. It was so big and hard in my mouth. I wanted to go deeper. He pushed my head down deeper nd smirked. He then let out in my mouth nd i was surprised because i’ve nvr had cum in my mouth before so i tried it nd swollowed the load. It was sweet nd warm. When we were done wwe cleaned off nd got dressed. Ltr tht day i nvr saw him again nd i found out he was my dads bosses son btw my dad nvr found out.

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