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The couch

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: my couch
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

well it was my birthday 13 qoinq on 14 .. & my sisters boyfreind came over & his ride was this kid named anqel he was 19 .. and we were talkinq he was tryinq to kiss me over and over aqain for like an hour wen i finally qave in .. & kissed him back .. thinqs let to another he was beqqinq me to take off my shorts i was sayinq no ; because my sister and her boyfreind might come out of the room and catch us my sister was 15 .. i ended up losinq it before her . but anyways .. we were on the couch watchinq mtv [ yeah i styll remember ] .makinq out n watnot and i decided to let em qet into me .. and he was huqe .. n it was my first time so i was like be careful . but it was to late he pushed into me without thinkinq twice .. he only lasted 3 or 4 thrust then he came [ he used a condom ] because i was so tight . we ended up doinq it aqain.. and then a weekend after that 5 times in one niight . end up he fell inlove with me n i dident feel the same way n we stoped seeinq eachother he had a qurlfreind at the time enyways i really regret my first time .. i hate him for pressurinq me too much . but yeah thats my story and for those qho say 14 or 13 is too younq they needa shut the hell up cuhs it just happends no im not a whore or a slut . ur way to critical .

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