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The English Teacher

Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: Techer's car/home
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

Mr. Todd Smith was my English Composition teacher when i was a Senior in high school. He had been the star quarterback for our high school football team when he went here some years ago; then went off to college and came back to teach English Composition and English Literature.

There were lots of stories and rumors that circulated among the students about Mr. Smith. Most of them dealt with his sex life when he went to school here, and how he was quite a ladies man in his spare time, who had fucked just about all of the good looking girls in his class.Some of this I took with a grain of salt, but did think to myself that a lot of it could be true because even at his age, probably 29 or 30, he was still very handsome guy and looked like someone the girls could fall for.

He was a very good teacher, however, and I did well in his class. He was always very well-dressed too — dress pants, tie and shirt or tutleneck sweater. He was in great shape. Just under 6 feet and a very trim body. I sometimes saw him working out after school in the gym, shooting baskets or using some of the exercise equipment.

He paid a lot of attention to me in class, calling on me frequently, and writing little notes on my compositions or test papers. Sometimes I thought these notes could have a double meaning.Occasionally he’d ask me to stop by his desk after school and we’d talk about something I’d written.

One day,I got a paper back from him, with an A+ on it. It had several comments in the margins, all complimentary, and, to my surprise, at the end, on page 4, he had written: “Carol, please meet me out in the South parking lot after school, O.K.? Dark blue Chrysler SUV” with his license number also listed.

I had always wanted to get to know him a lot better, so after my last class for the day, I went to the parking lot and found his car. He was sitting in it as I opened the door, When I got in he smiled and said, “Hi Carol, I thought you might like to go for a ride.” I told him O.K.
We talked about a lot of things as we drove along. He was a very easy conversationlist, and a very intelligent fellow. Not at all like a lot of the high school guys I had dated.

After about a half hour, I noticed we were driving out into the country, where there were few houses around, and eventually down this farmer’s lane with trees on both sides. I had a pretty good idea of what he had in mind, and I was right. Eventually he stopped the car, slid over toward me on the bench seat, put his arms around me and began to kiss me passionately on the lips. He felt so good and I kissed him back putting my tongue between his lips and flicking it against his tongue. Pretty soon he pressed a switch which which pushed the bench seat back as far as it would go, giving us lots of room,and we began necking in earnest. He was underneath my sweater, caressing and squeezing my breasts and I was under his turtleneck sweater,caressing his hairy chest. Then he was between my legs, pushing up my skirt and rubbing my love spot through my panties.He kept whispering into my ear, “Carol, I want you so much, have you ever had sex before?” I told him No. I also told him that I wanted him, too, but didn’t want to get pregnant. Leaning over to unlatch the glove compartment, he said, “That’s what these are for,” and pulled out a box of condoms, which he must have kept there for “special occasions.”

We both wanted each other badly at this point, so we quickly took off all our clothes, and with his 8″ ercection staring at me (It was beautiful!), he asked me if I knew how to put on a condom. I had never done it so she showed me how to pinch it slightly at the top and then roll it on all the way to his testicles. With the condom in place, he had me lie down and he began slowly placing his penis into my vagina. He entered and withdrew, perhaps an inch or so at a time, until he had this wonderful rythm going, and then he began to push into me harder and harder.
I seemed to have a natural lubrication all the while we were fucking, because I had no pain and the feeling was so natural and wonderful. He came several times inside me, and I could feel the tip of the condom fill with his semen. What a great sensation that was!

I kept telling him, “Todd, keep it in me, I just love this,” and then, “Yes, Yes, faster, harder, harder…” We fucked there for probably close to an hour, taking short rest periods but then going back to it. It was my first time and I enjoyed every minute of it.

After we were finished, he also reached into his glove compartment and pulled out a box of moist wipes so we could clean ourselves. He had thought of everything. He had me clean off his stil semi-erect penis while he cleaned off my vaginal area. Then we got dressed and he drove me home.

On the way home we made plans for future sexual adventures, and all during the rest of my senior year, Todd and I fucked on the average of once a week or sometimes twice a week — sometimes in his car, sometimes in his bed, at home. I learned more about sex from him than I ever learned in sex ed class or in books. He was an absolute master of the art.

Now that I have graduated and gone off to college, I don’t see Todd anymore, but I will always remember our wonderful sex sessions together. I hope some other English Composition gal is taking advantage of his technique even as I write this.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience